Names of trees: chne (oak tree), olivier (olive tree), pommier (apple tree)
\r\nNames of metals: or (gold), acier (steel), fer (iron)
\r\nNames of metric units: mtre (a meter), kilo (a kilo), centimtre (centimeter)
\r\nNames of colors: le rouge (red), le vert (green), le bleu (blue)
\r\nNames of languages: le chinois (chinese), lallemand (german), le franais (French)
\r\nNouns of English origin: tennis (tennis), parking (parking lot), football (soccer)
\r\nNoun Ending | \r\nExamples | \r\n
-ade | \r\nfaade (facade), promenade\r\n(a walk), limonade (lemon\r\ndrink) | \r\n
-ance | \r\nenfance (childhood), naissance\r\n(birth), assurance\r\n(insurance) | \r\n
-e | \r\nide (idea), journe\r\n(day), mosque\r\n(mosque) | \r\n
-ence | \r\ndiffrence (difference),\r\ninnocence (innocence), influence\r\n(influence) | \r\n
-ette | \r\ncrevette (shrimp), chaussette\r\n(sock), baguette\r\n(baguette) | \r\n
-ie | \r\ncomdie (comedy), industrie\r\n(industry), dmographie\r\n(demography) | \r\n
-sion | \r\nprvision (forecast),\r\ncomprhension (understanding),\r\nrvision (revision) | \r\n
-t | \r\nsocit (society),\r\npublicit (advertising),\r\ncharit (charity) | \r\n
-ti | \r\namiti (friendship),\r\nmoiti (half), piti\r\n(pity) | \r\n
-tion | \r\ninformation (information),\r\nducation (education), question\r\n(question) | \r\n
-ure | \r\nvoiture (car), couverture\r\n(blanket), confiture\r\n(jelly/jam) | \r\n
Names of sciences and school subjects: For example, chimie (chemistry), histoire (history), and mdecine (medical sciences). Saying "une bureau" or "un chaise" is incorrect, but still understandable. After living in France while raising my three children over the last 11 years, i've accumulated a lot of insider knowledge. What is the gender of a French word? Denmark is Danemark, France is France, Japan isJapon. Thats why many English speakers struggle with this aspect of French. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Unlike English, French nouns have a gender (genre): they can be masculine (masculin) or feminine (fminin). Let's go over each of the rules with examples now! Whereas for seasons, its 50/50. But the thing is thats not where you should start. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Good. Just like when you use the right verb endings. You also learned that several words are always or generally masculine/feminine depending on specific circumstances. In French, nouns are gendered: They are either masculin (masculine) or fminin (feminine). This button displays the currently selected search type. Je vais la plage : Im going to the beach. Examples: des livres (some books), des jours (some days), des botes (some boxes), etc. (accessed March 2, 2023). In English, there is no equivalent article. She currently teaches French at Austin Community College in Austin, Texas.
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