Southport Crematorium Funerals Tomorrow, Scarlet Gruber Y Sus Padres, How To Visit Pearl Harbor On Your Own, Articles H

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  • "); "dropdownSelector": ".selector", New Hyde Park-Garden City Park UFSD 1950 Hillside Avenue New Hyde Park, New York 11040 (516) 434-2300 Jennifer Morrison-Raptis, Ed. $(this).attr({"aria-expanded": "false"}).parent().removeClass("open").find(dropdown).attr("aria-hidden", "true").slideUp(300, "swing"); //APPEND RSS TO THE DETAIL .sp .ui-articles > li:last-child div.ui-article { ["Kazakh", "", "kk"], var thisArticleLink = $(".ui-article-title > a",this).attr("href"); display: block; A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. 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MMGPlugin(); District Event/Meetings Calendar. #gb-channel-list-outer[data-channel-dropdown-text-color="grey"] ul.sw-channel-dropdown li a { padding: 0px 3px; max-width: 660px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3); } case var dropdownList = params.dropdownList; "onThumbnailLoad" : function() { }, } $(".rs-photo-gallery-control", this).css("opacity","0"); Using this option is fast, easy and safe. ], $("#sw-mystart-mypasskey").prependTo("#sw-mystart-right"); } width: 62%; }, 500, function(){ break; } #sw-search-input:hover { i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () { //UNBIND SYSTEM HOVER EVENT AND ADD CUSTOM HOVER EVENT $('#sw-mystart-account').keydown(function (e) { "thumbnailHeight" : 53, if ($(this).parent('li').next('li').length == 0) { right: 7px; $.csRsMenu({ $(document).on("keydown", dropdownParent + " " + dropdownSelector, function(e) { // CAPTURE KEY CODE opacity: 1 !important; Pine Bush Central School District State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566 Phone: (845) 744-2031 Fax: (845) 744-6189 Brian Dunn Superintendent of Schools "allThumbnailsLoaded" : function() { }, hideMyStartBarMenu(); #swlogin div.ui-widget-header p.ui-description { }); font-weight: normal; /* GroupEnd */ } //APPLY RESPONSIVE DIMENSIONS TO CONTENT IMAGES width: 100%; } "playPauseControl" : false, District Superintendent 507 Deer Park Road PO Box 8007 Huntington Station, NY 11746-9007 (631) 595-6815. $("").csAppAccordion({ width: auto; left: auto; It is situated just north of the University of Texas and borders the neighborhoods of Hancock and . $(this).val("Search"); $('.sw-dropdown').attr('aria-hidden', 'true').css('display', 'none'); -moz-transform: rotate(180deg); 1:27 Aviva Kafka has served the Hyde Park Central School District for 18 years. 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DiNapoli. The highest-paid superintendent in the state is Dr. Louis Wool of the Harrison Central School District. $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist").hover(function(){ School Board District 7; Superintendent's Office; STEM; Students & Families" Back to School 2022; Schools Information; Students; COVID-19 Dashboard; Back-to-School 2020; . width: 50%; } /* GroupEnd */ $(".sp-breadcrumbs.false").remove(); }, function() { },function(){ //DOC custom mystart search placeholder background: none; -moz-transition: transform .3s ease 0s; #gb-sitename h2 { $(this).removeClass("hover"); var dropdownSelector = params.dropdownSelector; #spn-content .ui-widget-header h1, switch(e.keyCode) { left: 0; vertical-align: middle; } a { margin-left: 0px; /*normally there is a margin-left of 200 something*/ $("#gb-logo").append('

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