Your #1 and #3 skills are damage skills and #2 is a heal. Cuz theres people who will want their traitor back or would want Elara back (or both) and still be able to sign for the oposite faction. Agree and I just want to add that the return of both Quinn and Elara, two LI's, was so lackluster. In fact, he even mentions that he gets amusement out of trying to bring the Knight to the Dark Side. You needed something better than the old Rep and Emp factions. 18. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If you were not impressed by the stories in Rebels and Rogue One, what exactly is it that you like about Star Wars? And I also wanted to test the new dailies too see the impact, if any, on my Fibromyalgia pain levels (a post on the dailies will follow . April 28, 2017. Or did you just go what you feelt was easier or just becuse you were a trooper or a jedi and must go republic? Ikr tying a companion to a decision so important is the wrong way to implement it, Im pro empire but at the same time I wont let Quinn escape his well deserved death, so the solution is sticking with the Republic? Last time I checked, theyve been obsessed with Good rebels/republic vs evil empire story. That's stated straight out the gate in the Empire side. Thats the very definition of a problem and is down right evil in my book. He became so high, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his bluntwhich, eventually of course, he did. We blame disney for fucking with starwars in general. How about you tell me stupid. It's not that Jedi were trained to kill Sith on sight, it's that some of them said "I don't trust sith and **** em all." Both of the old factions would do all they can to butter you up at this point and there is no reason you would side with just one of them when both have members in your faction. Plus, my Sith would never go against the Sith Empire. Its an important choice youd have to make in the storyline thus far. So yhea the empire have the abillity to change that proably what they want but most of them just do not know how and they need the push from someone to show them a way to that goal. Episode 1 "Spoils of War". Raina is in hiding because it's *expected* to send your kid to be trained, but the Sith do not steal children or expect them to forsake their families. bw makes sure there up front and in your face. just wait till the slide show starts again how anyone takes this game seriously is beyond me /smh, You do know that the language in Brazil is Portuguese, right? Looking at the Republic as the faction to support peacekeeping is a bit short-sighted IMHO. I am just happy the alliance thing might be ending.. He fights with the Knight to take down the Emperor, but states over and over that he will always be Sith and that will never change. Only if you were Empire? There are 5 unique obects on Iokath that need to be inspected with the microbinoculars. Then we get to Ossus (Jedi Under Siege), which seems to be a much more permanent choice. How will this impact a guildship summons? If Dave Filoni could somehow make the new movies, that would be a dream come true. . Cham Syndulla is another not good guy. This is a simple mission, requiring you to kill droids and loot them for Broken Shards. Bioware has published a post on choosing your faction on Iokath with patch 5.2. Both the Republic and Empire have major issues; neither is blameless. You can either steal theirs and place 5 Power Cores (the spheres) into the Receiving Port or you can go grab the spheres yourself and bring them over. Well, I know but, you know Its Bioware, were talking about. There is no solid reason bw could write that would make you suddenly side with either one and it actually make sense. Its piss poor development and design given the story we just went though. And the person feels bad for not being a Jedi! Iokath is a ZONE where your faction becomes the one you chose. A species, the name of which had been lost to time, was responsible for the construction of the massive habitable sphere named Iokath. You must have seen the wrong movies. Oppressive Alliance? There was a teaser of you and Theron returning to Iokath and the Eternal Fleet resets again. The Six Gods, also known as the Old Gods or the god kin, were the original pantheon of the planet Zakuul. This one is also in a separate instance. Well that is how I project it in my head anyway. OK but, Disney doesnt make those cartoons or the movies Lucasfilm does, Disney distributes. The last button on your toolbar is for when you are done and want to return back to your character. Also, Star Wars has always been a fairy tale. You screwed In a war against those factions. My Agent sided with Republic because even though she is loyal to the Empire, during her Story line given my options I felt that the Sith wanted to take her out of the picture. Then his friend called the police while he was sleeping. Charged Blast (2s channel) single target attack on the tank. Unless Pepsi bought Starbucks, your analogy doesnt work. Level 75 Materials Level 65 Materials Say what you want, but its Disney that owns the brand, and its Disney that approves stuff. I do not count in this seresh assanistion attempt in this since it had nothing to do with the republic, though question is why would the republic not help? Its a Stoner legend. I think you missed the entire point of why you built this allaince. * 2nd run, my main (Guardian) goes in, sides with the Republic of course, nothing extraordinary cuz hes your typical how can I help you? kind of guy, so yeah move along. Well thought out. The 5th location is far to the south. Seriously, no matter what you guys think, Im personally looking forward to this update. While we didn't hear from Malcom, I get the idea that's because Saresh was manipulating things for her own end. If I were given the chance I'd have use the fleet to blast Acina off her "throne" and take the Empire for myself. Once you side with the Republic or the Empire, you cannot resign and join the other faction until the reset on the next day and you need to complete or abandon all missions you have picked up. Acina stays in power, and while she may be more pragmatic than other Sith, she's still a Sith who thinks it's best to kill those beneath her, make transgressions against allies (doesn't matter if there was a super weapon on Iokath or notallies don't actively go into another allies territory with their military to blow away anyone who gets in their way, without telling the ally first). Using this terminal does not override your story choice, but it does allow you to join your friends and play the opposite sides daily missions if you so choose. Do you prefer the Zakuul drama? Izax, the Ultimate Devourer, was the chief deity of the pantheon, while the other members were his wife, Scyva, and their four children: Tyth, Aivela, Esne, and Nahut. Even if they get bent at each other you are their to mediate, as you did before to create the alliance. I also find Malcom very off-putting. You have to navigate over to the other factions area, just outside of their base, find a Walker and Self-Destruct on it to complete the mission. It has over 8 million HP and only 2 special mechanic: A small group of well geared players with at least 1 healer and preferably 1 tank can take it down. even Mark Hamill is pissed by his role in it, he just had to stand and turn around in awkward silence and in an interview he told how much he would have loved to make the original EU scenes better than this shit. Guide to all Iokath Dailies and Weekly Missions avaialble with the release of SWTOR Game Update 5.2 and the introduction of this daily area! Sorry republic maybe don't be and u wont loose the greatest god to grace the galaxy? So. The biggest difference between Iokath Dailies and all other Daily Areas is that here you cannot complete all Daily Missions in one day. His passion for video games as well as his love for all things Star Wars are reflected in his news and in-depth guides available here! Which is what really becomes the difference. Imperial victory. Which obviously can't be a problem with everyone, as there are PBS not only in the Republic but in the Jedi. This time it's a post on choosing your faction on Iokath with patch 5.2. Currently playing and covering SWTOR, GW2, and TSW. I found someone who isn't a sith or a jedi with force powers! Otherwise you cant survive. 2x. Musco makes it clear that you cannot cross faction outside Iokath.Warzone queves are not part of the Iokath Faction thingy. A better, stronger alliance that could get the job done and they sided with you doing the story. Serious, your Disney hate doesnt change the business model of these companies. Or you can use the entrance to the Factory, which is located in the most Southern part in the Iokath Expanse area. Cast: Pedro Pascal, Katee Sackhoff . But as KOTET ended with me forming the eternal alliance instead of my own Empire I decided to ally with her, she helped me in the fight against Vaylin while Saresh ****ed me over and Malcom was nowhere to be seen, a lot of the republic companions you recruit also complain about their complacency regarding The Eternal Empire. And yeah, you most definitely get a letter from Malcom right after executing Saresh stating that the Republic will officially speak out against the Outlander, but privately he gives a high five. Star Wars has had numerous multimedia projects over the years, with 10 being the most important in the franchise's history. Like malchom do have the power to command the republic to join in on the allaince and fight zakuul but decided not to. She excuses it with a "It's a small transgression." I just started War on Iokath and I feel kinda bad going for the imps since my commander is the havoc leader but the republic didn't help during KotFE or KotET. Pretty much Iokath sucked . The video below will show you the contents of the vendors as of December 2017. The point is, no matter how resourceful Alliance is, without Gravestone and Eternal Fleet, it is way weaker then old Empire and Republic. 4th run is my run, too! If this guide has helped you, remember to share it on your social network, so more players can find and use it. A major Republic figure, on the other hand, tried to assassinate my Commander and their leaders did not condemn that action (you get that email telling you that the Republic leaders are publicly bashing you for what you did to Saresh). There are 14 Daily Missions in total available on Iokath. Star Wars The High Republic Convergence Review, Dead Space Starter Guide: The Basics Explained, How to start The Forgotten Saga in AC Valhalla and go to Niflheim, New World Mutated Expeditions and Mutators Guide, New World Hatchet and Sword Build Guide: The Frontline Tank (PvE). The terminals that you need to interact with are many, spread all over the place and re-spawn quite fast. You should write the PR copy for BioWare Austin. Sooo, assuming there's truth to this Jedi stealing kids, Sith do it too. So I have a question, this here states during the Storyline, so this is a one time consequence thing right? As for Rogue One I wont say shit it was indeed a nice film made by a director who really loved star wars not just a retarded motherfucker who was curious about if he could make a star wars film without giving a damn. Unless it's illegal and under the Rep's nose. As we were denied that far more logical choice, I just went with their original factions. Decided that my founder main LS warrior will help the Republic. However, any company with a brand they license cares about the integrity of that brand. . No, you are the Alliance Supreme Poobah. Even if the rep side look all shine and glam it have way to many skeletons in the closet at least the empire is open with thiers. This time you will be transforming into a Monitor. I know Acina trespassed and was trying to take the weapon for her self before the republic. The starting point is right in the Republic Iokath Base, a little to the north from the Daily Missions Terminal. If any of your abilities are not functioning properly during or after this mission, reset your UI (default: CTRL+U). Its a terribly written choice bw is trying to shoehorn in to an already weak story concept. The Foundry, run by Revan (ex-Sith), who was a little mad to begin with? Most likely, it will require the Republic to get her, but you never know. You are forced to take sides in this conflict for one sole reason take side, or you will be destroyed by them both. Seeking control of the powerful superweapon, all three governments dispatched military forces to Iokath, with the Republic forces led by Supreme Commander Jace Malcom, Imperials led by Sith Empress Darth Acina, and the Eternal Alliance initially represented by a search party led by Lana Beniko. My Characters respect people like Marr, Acina, Overseer Trenwell, etc. What HMHero said. Your email address will never be shared or sold. When the game barely gets new content over years but the cash shop consistently gets updates. Sith Empire all the way! Its unwise to pull more than 1 small group at a time if you are alone. (SPOILER) Satisfied? Page 1 of 3: 1: 2 3 > I also don't think the entire Republic brass was in the dark regarding what Saresh was doing. It has already gotten better than it was, but there's always room for improvement and Acina seems more open to suggestions than the Republic does. Raina is in hiding because of it. What book is this in? Another mission that requires you to purchase and pilot a unique vehicle. Thanks to Mox and JT from Corellian Run Radio for the help in making this guide! "Well, we don't know". They dumped the entire expanded universe, 30 years of stories and carefully structured material that used to make star wars an actual universe, just so they could replace anything they wanted with their shitty concepts and explanations about everything that already had one and was well recieved. Vulkk (Alex) is the owner of It could be Jace Malcom, but it could also be Empress Acina. Aslo you cant deny the humor on the comments they give if a sith joins the republic and a jedi join the empire its kinda fun in it own way. Star Wars: The Bad Batch will start streaming on Disney+ on Wednesday, January 04, 2023, with the first two episodes. Deactivated your entire fleet from the planets surface. As the war rages between the Empire and Republic, a solid defense is necessary on Iokath. For this you have to head north from the common area between the 2 factions bases take the Fleet Spire to the Alliance Base area. Enable the plasma emitter defenses around the Imperial base. Those little details are important to know before we fuck up our stories. There is no butthurt at all: Im personaly content with whats going on SWTOR and haters both, I simply wonder, havent you tired of finding only bad thing in the game? As for Acina, I hope I get to betray her just like she tried to do the alliance. However, it never play out well. Yhea i dont like quinn either but the empire done so much more and given much support compared to the republic like i said malcom is a powerful man and he at any time could command the soldiers that are loyal to only him to help with the fight against vailyn but didnt. There's another quest where it's mentioned that the Justicars routinely kidnap people and press them into slavery/service as soldiers and go after their familiesand that is just on Coruscant, right under the Senate's nose - never mind elsewhere. And yes, I heard that WOW and FFXIV offer us more content then SWTOR, but I personally never been PVP player and never wanted to be depending on players at all. Please, convince me, Maybe I missed something. The Empire and the Republic have changed since you last worked for them, and the Empire actively helped you against Valin while the Republic quietly sided with the Eternal Throne (according to a report sent by Theron, I think). Free. Providing guides and walkthroughs for your favorite games! Guildship summons will be based on your Class Faction, as per normal. Maybe we should train them!" Minimal problems with continuity, which were to be expected. Completing a Daily Mission will award you with Reputation for your chosen Factions rep track on Iokath. Of course we can already tell that someone is orchestrating all of this from the shadows. So I ask what side did you choose and why? . Yeah, but Im not talking about SWTOR, Im aware that its Bioware and EA child. This will disable the shields on the 2 droids on the left and right. Which means that you will be able to group and do dailies with the players of the faction that you CHOSE on IOKATH. Well, both Rebels and Rogue One show how the galaxy is not just black and white. Learn how your comment data is processed. Though if she did not do this and wait and tell the outlander later at some point then the allaiance would proably be several steps behind the republic that acted fastest than any faction on this information but by meeting unexpected resistance slowed them down. Who knows. I assume this is your favorite gif on the Internet. The Jedi kidnap children, and the Republic laws give them the right to do so. They're worse than the Empire in every way. Happy and satisfying ending. Peacekeeper? Also, whatever the faults of the Sith Empire are -corruption, cruelty, slavery - all those things exist in the Republic too. Whatever you choose to do, it is going to align with one or the other factions interests, regardless of it is how you intend to or not. Thats Eaware consistency for you, and lets better not talk about non-force users. was a fucking map so damn necesary? Now that the Empire and the Republic dont have a common enemy, theyll be back to their old ways once again. So you are saying she is really a Skywalker? So I joined the republic to fight against the Sith learn Intel about the republic then stab them in the back when the time comes. Killing enemies can drop Reputation consumables for your chosen Faction. Lacking emotion? Im talking about Clone Wars, Rebels and especially The Force Awakens Disney use the same methods they used in their childish cartoons. They support the Eternal Throne, let's say that again. The Alliance Base is between them. Our alliance is vastly stronger than the rep. Or emp. You're no longer a Jedi!" Page 2- Iokath: Choose Republic or Empire ((Spoiler)) Spoilers. This mission will take you all the way down to the south in the Weapons Factory. Ashara's a lifetime student of the Jedi and her comments are mirrored by others. The Empires version of this mission requires you to Enable Plasma Emitters, while the Republic players will have to Disable them. There is no possible way that your Alliance is much larger than either of the Republic or Empire. Point being, again, the Empire and Republic aren't different. This is just one case of it and worth the complaint. I dont blame Acina for wanting to stabb Loreman, but since you can stop it from happening also tell straight to her face if you want to change then you should start now by not killing the creep its all good since she is willing to listen. You needed something better than the rep. or Emp Jace Malcom, I know Acina trespassed and trying. A heal Empire side requiring you to enable plasma Emitters, while Republic! Disable them in making this guide, Sith do it too brand license. Little to the south in the most Southern part in the storyline, so this is favorite. Reason bw could write that would be a much more permanent choice just went though,. Methods they used in their childish cartoons thus far, swtor iokath republic or empire consequences company a. Most likely, it will require the Republic to get her, but Im not talking about Clone,... S a post on choosing your faction becomes the one you chose on Iokath became high! 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