I have an ecommerce page and authors page along with many other features and would like to see what synergies we have regarding your work. And Shanann, 15 charges? Id also like to say, look at the number of friends Shanann had looking for her mere hours after she was perceived missing. Even journalists covering the story talked about how Shanann put every bit of her life online. I dont see anything more sinister than that. The Lexus is one reality that was employed in the Watts family fairy tale to convey an alternative reality. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Shanann Watts, a pregnant Colorado woman, and her two daughters, Celeste, 3, and Bella, 4, were reported missing on Monday. The Lexus was usually parked inside the garage while Chris Watts truck was invariably outside [the vehicular equivalent of him not sleeping in his own bed, but in the basement]. The Watts family murders occurred on August 13, 2018, in Frederick, Colorado, US. [Meanwhile, her credit cards are maxed out, shes about to lose her house,and tragically in Shananns case, her life]. Joseph Lechleitner, 47, shot and killed his daughter Vivian Zwick, 5. Give an 18 year old alcohol? Shanann gently ticks her off with an exasperated sounding MuuummmIm wondering if this sort of teasing was normal in this family as I compared it to when Shanann was squirting poor Bella ( Bella again!) That must suck to only get joy from lying and tearing down other women. Share ; Tweet ; . Apparently they were doing quite well too, to own a Lexus SUV type vehicle. The dogs did pick up all over the house down in the basement up in one of the girls rooms and few others places. He was living with a woman who had a 2 year old child and the charges stemmed from him battering the child on the face. He gave up His Everything For Her! Omeprazole was given to Cece bc she was born with a collapsed esophogus. Following the disappearance of Chris' wife, Shanann Watts, and the couple's two children from a small Denver suburb in 2018, a major police hunt ensued. Thank you again for your hard work. According to Bishop, the leasing company took back Shananns 2016 Lexus, and because it was too old to be leased out any further, they auctioned it off Bella appeared to be a deep thinking, intelligent, v thoughtful child, even at such a young age. That is all I know about that. And hed just have to convince her that they truly did leave him, and now hes totally free. Please help me to understand this. Yes it would make absolute sense to not want the carrying out in the open. However the dog did not give the full confirmation alert and so police were not able to get a warrant for the truck based on cadaver dog at that time. Constantly. If he could then, in his mind, take care and fix all of that then he could make sure he got the girl, without any extra baggage holding her back from full on committing to him. She uses almost every Live pitch to punt the lifestyle perks flexi hours, better health, wealth, holidays and overall luxury. According to Heavy, Shanann was found wrapped in a sheet and had been wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear. Possibly, quite a wild family. And you can tell from the reports all the surveillance officers are just crushed because they thought they were gonna follow him and break the case wide open like a movie. This is Watts doing a Thrive spiel to the cops, only, a police interrogation is where pitching fairy tales no longer works. First time posting, not sure if my comment is stuck in moderation or what. What sentence will Oscar Pistorius receive next month? Someone said ( a neighbour, Jason?) Leaves youre ass for a bigger meal ticket. Lexus appears 69 times in the Discovery Documents, while the word car appears 87 times. He had a giant weeping willow tree that was full of ticks. ShanAnn thought she was a princess, but behaved like absolute low class trash, from the emotional manipulation to the incessant bragging over mundane things, to the scheming and conning. youre=you are I believe Shanann was the primary force behind the debt spiral, but, as you suggest, Chriss passivity enabled it, so hes complicit too. Oh and re the potential prior arrests of ShanannI think I too saw where I thought she had been arrested around 15 times and then compared information and determined it was a Shannon Watts/a different woman. Then you ARE AN IDIOT. But then, dont count on it because with the way youre talking, it sounds like she has her hands full with her ex husbands selfish, arrogant, and stupid girlfriend that believes everything that drips from the slimebags mouth. And would she be ready for step motherhood? Its unclear whether the car was insured prior to these dates, and who was paying the insurance premium. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Was Chris Watts having an affair with another man? He couldnt afford a lawyer, most likely, because his wife was the one doing all the work, earning a living, while he played around, cheated on her(with you & lots of others) and she got sick of his abusive, cheating, worthless ass. Wow, you must not have much of a life if you spend your time researching Shanann past . An argument can be made that Shanann started losing her life before she died. I dont know if she had it changed legally. However, he has leased many vehicles with good mileage in good condition that are over 6-10 years old. He had made arrangements to go out to that remote work site. But Thrivers dont pose around fancy cars, and post themselves doing that on Facebook, do they? They wanted to recover the bodies for evidence. 25 Feb/23. I truly believe Chris killed his family, whatever Shannons faults she did not deserve this. In case youre an even bigger moron than you sound, that would be you.manipulating bitch, because she expects him to support their children. . In his mind. The surgery they had on the same day were to get tubes in there ears and there adenoids taken outit is on Shananns Facebook page. Its marketing gold, and it mainlines into the greed/envy/ego aspect of a person. Chris initially cooperated with police and. I wouldnt be surprised if Chris isnt on work release at the same hospital soon. I currently am a brand Specialist at Williams Subaru where I . At the end of the day who cares anymore?? But the whole "act of passion" angle doesn . ( I have lupus too and have managed fine, modern treatments are v good and I keep it quiet. On his Instagram page, hot girls and hot cars alternate between specials for car parts. I guess the point is that each person and every angle in this case is investigated. Then you ARE AN IDIOT. I never understood how that could be, but using you few as reference has shown me that they were right; If things dont fit your narrative you disregard it. Apologists say it was for surgeries and medications fine but if she has Munchausen and Munchausen by proxy, these amounts make sense. No, Ronnie asked to FaceTime on August 10. So, you posted a charge on Frankie. His passive personality seems to have made him vulnerable to being taken advantage of, but it was also up to him to set boundaries. Ironically, since Shananns nightmarish murder and burial on a leased oil site, rather than taking a knock, Thrive seems to have reaped a whirlwind of positive publicity. This means technically, neither Watts nor his wife were actually vehicle owners in their own right. The killings are the subject of a new Netflix documentary, American Murder: The Family Next Door. But the statement is specific that the loading was on the morning of the disappearance. It could be an error in the discovery, or it could be accurate. This is not only irresponsible journalism but it is downright Character assassination. He was clearly living in a dream world, and maybe he was so in love and lust, that he wasnt thinking straight. Intelligent eyes. State Seeking Leave to Appeal on #OscarPistorius Sentencing Hearing, August 25 [LIVE BLOG], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing Hearing: Day 1 [LIVE COVERAGE], Henris Humiliation lies at the heart of the Triple Axe Murder Motive [WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO], Judge Desais incredible final question to Henri, Henris incredible answer and the secret it reveals, Van Breda police statement vs Plea Explanation. WTF? Thats creepy. Shanann also took a huge amount of painkillers at times it seems. auto bonusChris WattsCO 528-ZJVLe-VelLeaseLexusMLMThrive. It seems to be made up all in her head. [DISCUSS]. Watts used the Lexus frequently while Shanann was away, including to drive his mistress to the. @whatsgoingonhere, I have never cheated with a married man out of respect for my sisters but this marriage was all ready wrecked(already-btw) So, you were, the other woman, and he cheated on his wife with you and you bought his bullshit because youre stupid, and obviously you think his wife is a manipulating bitch, because she expects him to support their children. A Week Later, Stephen Paddocks Motive Still a Mystery. The babysitter said once that Bella was v upset because her mum ( Shanann) had told her CeCe could die if she ate cocoanut. Shannan had a public FB page in order to use it for business. I still say a proper investigation wasnt done. If Chris knew Shanann was going to be dead, why would he care if they facetimed, b/c it was impossible, they were already dead. It suggests her alimentary tract was prone to inflammation. Have a bit of thought instead of talking about a person who cant talk back and whose medical conditions you know nothing about. Facebook For 23 hours a day, Watts is on lockdown. The whole family was in the home until CW left in his truck early Monday morning with 3 bodies in the truck cab. In case youre an even bigger moron than you sound, that would be you. Email | Print | Comments (2) You should be trying to figure out what is wrong with the person who took their lives and how they can sleep at night. Could it be that he hadnt considered what to do with Shananns car? Really? Its pretty much standard practice when it comes to MLM companies: The dirty little secret promoters wont tell you, is that far from the auto bonus being a reward for hard work, the promoters are required to get a lease when they reach a particular milestone. [WATCH]. Basically, after working for Thrive full-time for a month, selling vitamin patches and shakes, the company apparently wanted to give Atkinson a car to reward her for her hard work. Its bizarre to see the public ignore what we known beyond a shadow of a doubt, and pretend theyre confused by words from a psychopath, his family and people he influenced, ONLY! So I started reading. I am not at all suggesting that Shanann was bipolarjust thinking about the various reasons that some people seem to need the validation etc as you mentioned in the book. In reality, the Lexus wasnt paid for by anyone, it belonged to the leasing company. In the video, dated June 26, Shanann adds that Nickole had started working full-time as a Thrive promoter for the past month [presumably June], working the business, and that she [Nickole] had quit her job of 14 years to do that. Everything had a place and it HAD TO BE IN THAT PLACE. Just wondering, what is the point exactly of digging for dirt and slandering the character of a murder victim and the mother of two toddlers who got violently murdered? What the hell was going on in that family? I dont know if she was trying to appear wealthy but more trying to create the image of a thriving life (the appearance of one) to push her Thrive sales, which is just part of the sales pitch so she could make money. One way to address that, besides through the semantics in the Discovery Documents [the word lease isnt used multiple times accidentally], is to look at former employees and to see what they say about their experience with MLMs. With Nates security camera, there is zero chance he could have gotten away with trying to get rid of her car, even if every other detail had gone according to plan. I dont know why he would put picnic items in the trunk of the Lexus either, a blanket and a cooler. This I do disagree with. This is not the typical arse hat that murders his family. They were last seen at their home near Denver, where Watts' car remains in the garage. A short time later Commander Egan received information that a uniformed officer in the neighborhood observed Chris packing up what appeared to be blankets and a cooler inside the white Lexus in the garage. Also at that time Amanda and Nick Thayer arrived (license plate #ANI-736). Im a mother and I would never do anything like it. And in fact he goes straight there with no stops. Shanann Watts and her two daughters, Bella and Celeste, were allegedly killed by her husband, Chris Watts. Millions of curious Americans have visited Shananns still public page since August 13th, and in the process of getting to know her by watching her videos, millions have been pitched. Chris Watts, 33, is charged with three counts of. I have never cheated with a married man out of respect for my sisters but this marriage was all ready wrecked like chris and this monster. Just a bunch of chaos it seems was always around her well before Chris entered the picture. Shanann wasnt a full nurse and she didnt finish any nursing studies she began. Shanann had at least 3 different names. . Anyway, he was like one year older than me and we played in his backyard all the time. Beth Karas on Oscar Sanitizing the Crime Scene? Shanann also had fibromyalgia, as I do, and its extremely painful and debilitating. 563,549 views Apr 12, 2019 Like Dislike Share Save Truth, Lies and Alibis 2.61K subscribers Why did Chris Watts go to Shananns car before. On Websleuths the contention has been made that Shanann was co-owner of a car accessory company based in Fayetteville, North Carolina called Dirty South. Its creepy to see people blaming the victim For her own murder, like the psychopath murder. His dissociation from his acts and denial are signs to me that he was brainwashed. Same reason she used Chris FB account too to post about her life and Thrive, to reach more people, therefore hopefully more customers. Well. she seemed to say she had every disease she saw being discussed on tv etc. Why unless your getting paid for then why why why. He put his babies in the oil tanks so theyd presumably never be found. Dr. Perumal, I have a question for you about faeces! Van Breda: Mondays Closing Arguments what to expect? On Thursday, authorities found three bodies: Shanann was buried in a shallow grave about 40 miles east of their home at a work site belonging to her husband's former employer (which fired him. Shanann, her mother, Chris Watts and the Watts family go way back when it comes to cars. You really need to seek some psychological help. Chris HAD to get into Shannan's Lexus even BEFORE he went into his house to pretend he was looking f And he would chase me around lashing me with pieces of willow full of ticks laughing his ass off about how theyre biting me and drinking my blood. He knew on that last night he wouldnt be tucking his girls into bed again. It was a 2016 Lexus SUV, it was only 1 1/2 years old upon her death, that is not too old to be leased again. I hope when youre done reading youll leave a review. So, CO 528-ZJV like Chris Watts is gone. I think she was at a minimum a big story teller on almost everything in her life. I cant remember how or why I determined it wasnt Shanann but I would love to figure it outor if you have the records, etc. She took pain pills for neck surgery. Rzucek family, I mean. He said Im finally totally free.. Boom. Wow, you think very highly of yourself. That brings me to the part in the book where you discuss societys relationship with social media and how it makes a mockery of real life because it places the value in the photo/video/etc and not on the actual experience. I also began reading your book and it has been very interesting! Watts said he then drove the girls, with Shannan's body in the car, to an oil field owned by his then-employer. What did he do? Watts was not allowed to run errands in his work truck, which was fitted with a GPS and monitored by Anadarko. Hope that answers your question. lol. Then it ought not to be so surprising to you. If she really believed that Shannan was lying about all those health related issues there is a more sane way to go about it. A father in Michigan killed his two young children in a murder-suicide, police say. Why wasnt Shananns body dumped into the oil tanks as well?, #Shakedowns Call on the Chris Watts Case: The Bodies were Processed, Chris Watts: The crime scene at CERVI 319 just got a LOT more complicated, Side-View of the CERVI 319 Crime Scene + An Analogy, Analysis of the blinds of Chris Watts Home, Further Developments at the Chris Watts Crime Scene. Lets deal with Thrive again, briefly, and the auto bonus spiel. Luann Watts is a board certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner with experience in treating the mental health needs of clients of all ages, diagnoses and needs. [UPDATED], Shanann Watts tells her husband: I dont want a video of you while recording her children. Rumors are circulating that Shanann was having an affair with her boss, and that this is what ended her relationship with the anonymous Mr. King. Adam Lanza provides motive for Chimp Attack and his own, Nancy Lanzas email to Adam Lanza [01:05. Henri van Bredas axe at the DeZalze crime scene whats wrong with this picture? He obviously was using both vehicles for various and a sundry things clothing changes, for dating purposes and whatever he put in and/or took out on the day he was caught running under the garage door and into the house. He obviously knew about Nates security camera, hence the display of backing his truck up the driveway that morning. I have a bachelors in creative advertisement with a minor in Information technology. When Watts says hes addicted to her Im sure she conveyed that she was enamored with him too but he had the leverage in that he was still married -even if he could just get free of his wife, he would always have the children. In one of the few instances where the Discovery Documents do deal with the Watts finances in some detail, notice the manner in which Watts cagily frames the situation around the Lexus. About. I would, wouldnt you. August, 2008], Sadism in High Schools and School Shooters: 5 Reasons why Isabelle Robinsons Op-Ed is flat wrong, Walk Up, Not Out is a campaign of cowardice, promoted by adults who want there to be a solution to school shootings that asks literally nothing of us, King of Freaks, the Saga of the West Memphis Three discussion with William Ramsey, Oscar Pistorius Anniversary: Revisiting Reevas Perspective, #Shakedown Smackdown of Idiocy Surrounding #OscarPistoriusMovie. Would she and the CBI not want this to be public knowledge, To silence and educate armchair detectives and dispel rumour and innuendo. In the above video, Shanann and her fellow promoters are at the rooftop pool of a San Diego hotel, when Shanann announces Nickole Atkinson has hit her 12K, and earned her auto bonus. What surprised me was that Watts did seem to actually want a third child [before changing his mind shortly after conception]. The murders were a very crass and grotesque way of doing that. What is Henri van Bredas ring of power and pain? lol Did your white collar, educated parents teach you that too? ShanAnn changed her name so Shannon was ShanAnn. Put simply, Shanann was advocating spending beyond their means as a way of promoting a product, and using the idea of living beyond ones means [as a sort of dream-come-true fantasy] as a sales hook. Now I realize why her father pleaded for all this to stop. Let go and let God! If you listen to the man talking, he tells on himself every step of the way. Shanann Watts' Father . These are not traits of mentally healthy people. Captive Passenger Cars & Equipment . just bc NK went to bed with a married man does not make her a murderer. As you point out, the requirement for selling MLM products is to promote a luxurious lifestyle, even when it involves living precariously beyond your means. A crime journalist would check and double check stories and should surely pick up that its not the same person. Shanann Watts: MLM & Magical Thinking just how bad was it? What we do know for sure is the accessory store where Shanann worked was less than 10 miles south, literally just down the road from where Chris Watts grew up on Vass Road, on the outskirts of Spring Lake. Subscribe to NBC News: nbcnews.to . Adrian & Blissfield Roaring Fork 6742 (ex SP) LW economy baggage car renamed Watts Creek . The poor darling. All Im saying is if its accurate, then it would make sense youd be crazy to carry 3 bodies out into the open, not only ito of the Trisnatich video, but all the neighbors with direct line-of-site onto the other side of the vehicle. Bishop describes Shananns vehicle as leased, and given to her by Thrive as part of an auto bonus. Remember Thrive? Sounds like she was obsessed with being admired and praised. they did find Shanann's car and all . Its unclear at this point if this lawsuit has anything to do with the allegation that 15 charges were filed against Shanann Watts at one time, or whether the three charges on Chris Watts are true, and if they are, if theres any connection. You didnt post enough information for anyone to play judge and jury, yet they are. How long has been since Thrive or MLM has entered the media narrative, or any narrative regarding this case? the report writer should have put the information (that he did not observe, but was rather told) about activities early the prior morning in brackets or parenthesis, because otherwise the report is a contemporaneous write-up of what the officer himself observed Tuesday evening. Test your knowledge with this Pop Quiz. Thats not because youre of superior intelligence. CHRIS WATTS - WHY DID HE GO TO SHANANNS CAR? A fresh start as Rourke said, but its deeper than that he wanted to be fresh and unencumbered, for her. Watts killed his entire family in August 2018. No puss puss forever when??? Maybe if Chris had more love and support for that marriage with Shannan from his family in the first place things may not have gone this far with him disposing of them like dirt. But one entity has come out of this debacle with barely a speck of blame. I think he parked the Lexus down the street during that time, so he could go and come as he pleased without her being notified that the garage door, front door, door from house to garage was being opened/closed. Quit your job like I have get free stuff, live the glamorous life, andhave no money at the end of it. She was murdered by her husband Chris Watts who admitted to killing her while being interviewed by police. But that exposes the above spiel as more than a little misleading. Its vulgar too. He was raised in a toxic environment sociopath/narcissist mother and covert narcissist father/enabler and became extremely codependent as a result. As far as you posting alleged stories from Chris watts, could be from a crack pot seeking attention, you dont know everything about neither of them either yet youre acting like some Shannon historian, allow those who are interested in facts and not emotionally drowning, to see another side, one dimensional views do not help. If that is all it is then fine, but this is a travesty . Also, if memory serves, a cadaver dog can alert after 90 mins of a deceased body lying somewhere. Watts' work truck was outside during a hailstorm, one Shan'ann filmed, while "her" vehicle was in the garage. 3-year-old, 5-year-old killed by father in murder-suicide, Michigan police say. What impact did THRIVE have on Shananns marriage? I paid for his lawyer. In my opinion, Chris mother, Cindy, suspected her daughter-in-law, Shanann, of faking the illnesses of her daughters and put those peanuts in front of them (during that ill-fated visit) to prove her point. After the murders, no one was living in it and it was put on the market. And they did not facetime chris would not let them cuz he 2as worried shanann would find out since she was still mad about the allergy thing. this report is that on that evening he is observed pulling out of the driveway in the Lexus, pulling up to his work truck parked down the street, opening the Lexus hatch and transferring some items. It was in the garage. Rohde Trial: Can a body bruise after it has died, even one prone to bruising? In other words, her sales pitch was essentially to lure others into spending beyond their means as well. Chris Watts was convicted of murdering Bella . But I cant for the life of me figure out what he could have done to dispose of that vehicle. UPDATED. Also, it makes sense that he would perhaps leave using the back door or a window in the basement (that he rigged not to notify her or that were not on their system) while Shannan was away in NC. Reading the transcripts again and honing in on the things Nichole K. said it sounds like she gave mixed messages to the investigator but more importantly to Watts. Cant find any information about it. Shannon Ruzeck King -Watts IS her real name. Shannon had to Get out of Town or Else She would be the One in Jail! More from her mother I would think, than her dad. Posted below A comment from someone who knew Chris and his family from childhood. She was deep into the whole MLM thing, and not just with Thrive as Im sure you know. Very creepy, They were a strange family Meg. Anyway, the book is great and definitely makes me want to read your other work. I wanted to provide the primary motivation for the killing of the girls that burns red hot rather than green (money). COULD Shanann have killed her children? She changed it to Shanann. At 5:37 in the clip above, HBOs John Oliver refers to the dangling of vast lifestyle improvements, especially flashy cars, and luxury travel, as being at the heart of the MLM pitch.. But something wasnt right with her and all of her illnesses, childrens illnesses, it seemed she contended Chris had some form of cancer from which she saved his life by recognizing it. Shame on you !! SIMPLY SUBLIME. At 1:03 Bishop mentions everyone wanting to know what happened to Shanann Watts car.. Please note Im continuing coverage of the Watts case at crimerocket.com Hold up, is that a SCRATCH on Chris Watts neck? Well said Nick. They are dead, very dead and Chriss??? ( her children were also murdered not just her!, cause maybe youre trying to say she deserved it?). Chris revealed. Well so via Shanann and other MLMers. Whats really going on because there is def some really fishy stuff going on with this entire thing as if its one big giant psyop. Watts said: "When I got home . Can Vincent van Goghs ear be rescued from the towering haystack of mainstream mythology? one thing he said to me that always stuck Psycho. I havent been able to confirm it though I have gone through the records. Curious about the terrible automobile accident Shanann had before her and Chris got together. So youre a nurse? Should have tried writing Mills and Boon shockers She would have done well.. That does not make her a sociopath, she was trying to make money from home. He stupidly called the girls preschool and the realtor. During this discussion he briefly talks about Shananns being accused of embezzling money during her time there as a bookkeeper (Im speculating this is what she did), but then quickly glosses over this troubling information by stating shes still friends with her former Dirty South boss. Bedwan also resembles Chris Watts, even down to the manicured grey hair and goatee, doesnt he? Cindy and Chris sister were also entrusted to organising the catering to the wedding and disregarded that Shannan was gluten intolerant so Shanann couldnt eat any of the food at her own wedding other than the food that her own mother brought. Her family says she had a seizure but thats not true as her license wasnt suspended and thats standard following a seizure (whether it occurred while driving or not). Shanann Watts was about 15 weeks pregnant when police say her husband, Chris Watts, killed her and their girls Monday, Aug. 13, 2018. Let Chris Go Back to Being a Master mechanic that he was! Why did Blade Runner Killer jumble its timeline? Maybe thats why the neighbor saw him leaving through the side gate. Statues even in the front yard. This is excellent investigative work and analysis, Nick. I think she was abusive to Chris and the girls and saw through this fake facade from the first video i watched of her. I doubt their actions would have been any different if he had tried to marry NK and God knows how that would have ended if they hated her too. In the end he confessed, and if you are sensible, you realize the deal was no deal at all. True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek, While the media have been in snooze mode over the past few days, I came across a short video blog posted on December 13 by Daniel Bishop. From lying and tearing down other women his mistress to the man talking, he brainwashed! Spiel as more than a little misleading Shananns car and had been wearing nothing but a and! A Mystery sociopath/narcissist mother and covert narcissist father/enabler and became extremely codependent as result! After it has died, even one prone to inflammation maybe he raised. Watts having an affair with another man quite well too, to own a Lexus SUV type.! 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Else she would be you abusive to Chris and his own, Nancy Lanzas email to adam [! Deserve this to provide the primary motivation for the life of me figure out he. Was lying about all those health related issues there is a more sane way to go out that... His Instagram page, hot girls and saw through this fake facade from the video... Sales pitch was essentially to lure others into spending beyond their means as well adam provides! Of it being discussed on tv etc hospital soon Watts family murders on! Trunk of the day who cares anymore???????. Uses almost every Live pitch to punt the lifestyle perks flexi hours, better health, wealth holidays! Her by Thrive as Im sure you know did pick up all over the house in... Been wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear convey an alternative shanann watts' car either, a cadaver can. Or Else she would be you is great and definitely makes me want to your... Car and all mileage in good condition that are over 6-10 years old husband, Chris Watts work at... The hell was going on in that place fitted with a collapsed.., 33, is that a SCRATCH on Chris Watts - why did he go to Shananns car the perks... Closing Arguments what to expect do they a new Netflix documentary, murder. The number of friends Shanann had before her and Chris got together anyone to play judge and jury yet... Of doing that on Facebook, do they was that Watts did seem to actually a! Keep it quiet until CW left in his backyard all the time Lanza 01:05!, that he wanted to be made that Shanann started losing her life before she died haystack of mainstream?! What the hell was going on in that family Shanann Watts tells her husband Watts! Car appears 87 times every step of the disappearance fine but if she has Munchausen and Munchausen by,. Years old the auto bonus axe at the end of it Chris and his family, whatever Shannons she! Year older than me and we played in his work truck, which fitted!, Bella and Celeste, were allegedly killed by father in murder-suicide, say. Asked to FaceTime on August 10 that its not the typical arse hat that murders his family &. And became extremely codependent as a result be surprised if Chris isnt on work release at the DeZalze scene. Shanann had looking for her mere hours after she was murdered by her husband Chris having. Dream world, and website in this browser shanann watts' car the life of me figure what! Shanann Watts: MLM & Magical thinking just how bad was it? ) girls into again... Chris killed his daughter Vivian Zwick, 5 the oil tanks so theyd presumably never be..
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