Another day, a woman proclaimed she was the Savior, so the Queen had the woman locked in a tower guarded by a Black Knight by the name of Lily. She reveals knowledge about his involvement, as Will admitted David did, in setting up the situation. ("Best Laid Plans"), Emma tracks the Author to the woods as her parents follow. Returning to his allies, David joins them in looking through the storybook, though Hades' story has already been destroyed by Liam. The couple make it to the town line just after Emma and Regina force the Chernabog across the barrier, where it ceases to exist. From a relic chest, Arthur takes a torch, the unquenchable flame, to guide him and David through the forest. That night, David and the others search for Emma with no luck. David agrees to burn the card and forget about it, but after Snow leaves the room, he decides to keep the card. However, much to their relief, members of the cursed group soon awaken one by one. That night during the town carnival, after the search is over, Hook reports back to David, Mary Margaret, Guinevere and Arthur, stating that Excalibur is hidden in Emma's house, and that the sword's markings are similar to the Dark One's dagger. She had no memories of her biological family. After entering the barrier, they find the destroyed beans. David prepares to join everyone in confronting Zelena, but instead, Snow asks him to call Neal again. Dirty-blond She has been all alone all her life. Mary Margaret and Henry also joins their team and they all make it back to the station just as an explosion blows a hole in the building. To Mary Margaret, David expresses dislike about allowing Emma to use magic, but she thinks their daughter needs to learn. The Blue Fairy tells her to have faith their plan will work, and if not, the curse will take them to a new land where their memories are erased and they will be slaves to the Queen's will. SH elater grows mad with also helping raise Emma's younger brother, Neal, but finds it complicated. Since Regina is more difficult to contain due to her magic, David and Mary Margaret suggest they trap her with fairy dust. Storming into the pawnshop with Hook, David a card with a photo of the necklace from Belle. Only after she reads the inside, he realizes his mistake and hands her the other card. The Charmings capture Regina. As thunder brews in the sky, everyone realizes the mermaid summoned a storm, but they remain unaware that the downpour will increase as their animosity for each other grows. Trying to get to the root of the problem, the couple deduct that Lily is closing herself off due to her own insecurities. As Snow is heading out one morning, David kisses her goodbye before taking his son with him towards the back of the house and calling the family dog to his side. Fearing an ambush, he and the guards quickly arm themselves, but the assailant is gone. Alive In January 2017, it was stated that the sixth season would end the main storyline, and for a seventh season, the series would be softly rebooted with a new storyline.. ("The Shepherd", "Murder Most Foul"), As a young boy, David overhears his parents quarreling for the umpteenth time about his father's drinking problems. David calls the man out for not understanding the situation since he doesn't have a daughter who is waiting for him out in the world, to which Mr. Gold calmly asserts otherwise and gives a potion to Mary Margaret so she and David can recurse themselves and wait another eighteen years until Emma arrives. Mary Margaret, seeing a note addressed to Henry on the animal, gives it to the boy. He offers to come along, but she insists she must be alone. He catches up in time to save her from one of the Queen's knights. Honoring her wish, Snow White asks Lancelot to perform a marriage ceremony. Once Snow White and Lancelot rejoin the mother-son pair, they travel to Lake Nostos to find the cure for the wound caused by the poisoned arrow. Again, David finds the location is not to his liking and he complains about the area being drafty as well as needing a new paint job. After evading more soldiers, they reach Lancelot's prison cell and unexpectedly find an imprisoned Merida as well. David finds a white cloth, which is Regina's and they rush off to rescue her. With little time until Charon arrives to take them away, David resigns himself to his fate by spending his last hours in the diner with Mary Margaret, baby Neal and Henry. Emma disagrees, telling him that some people are beyond help if they can't move past their grudges. Emma Swan is making history as the first ever bisexual Bachelorette. Emma is wracked with guilt. Dr. Whale leaves the room to prep for the surgery, and Mary Margaret remarks how drunk he appears to be. Atop of the dragon's lair, all but one knight perishes. Seeing as Emma is still frustrated over the map, David attempts to go after her, but Mary Margaret goes to talk to their daughter instead. Later, he discovers the woman is Snow White, a wanted criminal the Queen is been seeking. Returning to camp, David kisses Mary Margaret affectionately; much to everyone's embarrassment. David begins another day at the sheriff department only to be ambushed and knocked out by Hook, who then steals the drawer keys to grab his hook back. Not having much luck, he later enters the diner, seeing Mary Margaret at the counter, before noticing his twin brother James walking away into the back room. Afterwards, David goes with Robin and Regina to comb the woods to ensure the villains are gone, before returning to the diner. David recognizes the trunk markings as manmade, meaning someone brought the tree down deliberately and believes they may be under attack. Human Snow is Emma Swan's and ("Heartless"), Some after, Rumplestiltskin persuades David into being a replacement prince for his deceased brother, James, and in return, he'll receive riches for the farm and for his mother. Platonic Evil Charming. As Mary Margaret, she gives her grandson Henry a book called Once upon a Time to give him faith. Swan-Mills Family Fluff (Once Upon a Time) Little Regina Non-Sexual Intimacy Married Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan Sibling Rivalry Fluff and Smut The third installment in the Magical Misfire series. Realizing Henry is in danger, they hurry to stop Daniel from strangling the boy. Trouble brews when Albert and an angry townspeople want Ruby arrested for Billy's murder, so David locks her up for safety reasons. regina had been with daniel but it all ended because of cora but one day she will find love again in emma and itll be so sweet and fluffy and i love them so much swan queen makes so happy so yes After the death of Daniel and her forced marriage, Regina lost everything except her and Daniel's daughter. Before going with Emma to find Robin and his daughter in the woods, David goes out to grab baby supplies. Emma then phones her parents to tell them about the new development, although they dislike the idea of Cruella and Ursula being in town. elementary school teacher. When her underlings fail to find Regina and Henry, Snow rips out Doc's heart and crushes it, forcing anyone who fails will share his fate. EN. Regina dropped her head onto her crossed arms that resting on the counter top. After the meeting, Robin Hood brings Regina to help, but she can only slow down the spell. Occupation: Increasingly afraid of what the Author might do, Mary Margaret storms out as David follows. When Regina tried to push her body, Cora used her magic to prevent her daughter to move. See "Family" Once there, the pair put each of their palms on two rocks and ask their question, but both are ejected backward. ("Save Henry"), Following a safe journey from Neverland to Storybrooke, peace resumes as Mr. Gold seals the box away in the pawnshop. Gender: When the trio of men approach the haunting booth, they see Claude, an associate of Cruella's, trying to destroy it. Mary Margaret secretly expresses an eagerness to do away with Cora, though David reminds her that she wasn't and isn't a murderer. As they near King Midas' castle, David is surprised by the exterior's gold-encrusted walls, though Abigail says he'll stop noticing after a while. David is forced to help Regina at first and they are mistaken for a married coupleEC endgame. Maleficent agrees to help since realizing Mr. Gold only wants the Author for his own interests, but in return, she wants the savior to find her daughter Lilith. Emma is exasperated at his attempts at coddling Mary Margaret. ("Pilot", "Snow Falls"), The day the curse takes effect, Regina goes to see school teacher Mary Margaret, the former Snow White. Belle realizes that he made a deal with her husband, and David admits he needed Mr. Gold's help to find out the truth about his father's death. He and Snow have a brief happy reunion with Emma before Henry reveals the Black Fairy gave Gideon one last command to kill Emma no matter what. ("Red-Handed"), Later, after Mary Margaret's arrest, David goes to Regina to plead for mercy. Revealing little, except that she is on a "secret mission", Joan asks permission to stay on his farm for the night. Halfway through the story, David, while still unconscious, grabs Mary Margaret's hand. While Maleficent goes after her daughter, David nurses his wife's injury. Despite that she had fun, David concedes he had nothing to do with what happened, and Will broke out on his own. David attempts to break her out, only for a masked Woodcutter, actually Gabriel, to engage him in battle. He believes writing them as villains gave him a chance to be a hero for once, but Mary Margaret reasons that he became a villain by trying to be happy at the expense of others and only becoming more unhappy from it. ("The Bear and the Bow"), With Robin and Hook on guard outside, David enters Arthur's tent to confront him about sabotaging the plan and questions him on Nimue's identity. ("Nimue"), David and his allies are held hostage as Arthur forces Merlin to deliver an ultimatum to Emma; hand over the flame ember or her family and friends die. Snow planed on going into the wardrobe with her daughter, but sNOW unexpectedly gives birth to Emma before the curse hits leaving Emma to be left alone and Snow is trapped in Storybrooke as Mary Margaret Blanchard. Impressed by his daughter's leadership, David follows Emma into the jungle. David believes the situation made him confused, though he doesn't actually believe she is guilty. They desire his help to stop the trigger, but he refuses, believing dying is his penance for Neal's death. However, Regina refuses, and David goes to Archie for advice on his blackouts. He tricks her, causing her sword to be embedded in a pillar, and then corners her at sword-point. He moves to phone Mr. Gold, but Mary Margaret already tried and he is not picking up. Regina tells them about the power of Pandora's Box while Neal's distrust in his father causes him to blurt out Mr. Gold's objective to kill Henry and prevent a seer's prophecy from coming true. As Prince James, he has to kill a dragon for King Midas. At the hospital, David returns his son to Mary Margaret's loving arms while Emma walks Henry in to meet his new family member. Upon seeing some dynamite is missing, they realize Henry wants to blow up something. ("A Tale of Two Sisters"), One night, David, Emma, Henry and Mary Margaret receive an apartment visitora ravenat their window. Making it to shore, Prince Charming receives the enchanted ring from Rumplestiltskin, and as an added bonus, the wizard also magically transforms his clothes into something befitting a prince and bestows a horse for his journey to Snow White. There, they admit crossing paths with the Author and he manipulated them into making the deal with the Apprentice. ("Welcome to Storybrooke"), David makes another breakfast tray for Mary Margaret, who is still staying in bed since the aftermath of Cora's death. ("Broken"), The next day, David heads to Regina's house, once again confronting her about the vortex, but she refuses to give a proper answer. As the heroes and Jekyll attempt to get out of the city, they run into Hyde. In the end, her spell fails and Snow is reunited with their healthy baby boy. Soon, David, Leroy and Arthur join them, with the fury's power exploding onto itself. Reverting to their former selves, Mary Margaret, Regina and David, who is still locked in his cell, burst into laughter at the ridiculousness of their prior disputes. Though Emma insists they stay back, David and Hook advance as the intruder counters with icicles. From the time he leaves the sheriff department, his memory becomes blank and ends up wandering the woods in a foggy haze. After regaining Henry, David consoles him about about Emma and Mary Margaret's whereabouts. ("White Out"), When one of the farm's lambs go missing, David and his tracking dog Wilby search for it, but they find the animal already dead from being exposed to the overnight cold. Working together, David ties a rope around his waist and saves Emma while Mary Margaret, Hook and Regina pull them up. Other information David knows Mary Margaret is neither like August or Regina, and there has to be a way to help because he believes in the goodness in her heart. Without them noticing, he steals the bean for himself and returns the box with a decoy. On the table, she notices a nearly wrapped present, which he denies is from him. He shows it to Mary Margaret and Regina, who realize they were using it to attempt communication with Merlin, and they then decide to test it out to see if it works now. Snow White enters the castle first, but tells the princes to wait until nightfall. Afterwards, he leaves to scour the area of the growing holly berries only to see someone stalking him. Upon the coin landing on tails, Rumplestiltskin takes away James while David is left behind to be raised by his birth parents. Red is Snow White's best friend. regina . The catch is Emma must "stop denying who she really is" and only then will the map unlock for her. Directly after, the dwarves finally accept Charming just as Snow White confronts him about the fake sword. Formerly a poor shepherd living on a farm with his mother Ruth, David's life is changed drastically after discovering that he had a twin brother James, who was adopted by King George, but died in battle. David is present in the graveyard as Emma tries to talk to Hook about where he is, but he is unable to respond and disappears shortly afterwards. Without answering David's question, Arthur attempts to escape into the woods, but he is eventually apprehended and imprisoned in the sheriff's station. David confesses he was scared, knowing she would be unwilling to leave the island with him, and did not want to force the cure's price on her. David believes the situation is hopeless, to which Hook reveals there is a cure, but it's too faraway. While lighting a candle to honor her, Prince Charming finds comfort in the fact though his mother is gone, he and Snow White can have a family one day. They decide to make the trip together, but David passes out after being drugged by Gabriel, who uses Wilby to track down Snow White and deliver her to the Queen for payment. As they talk, Bo Peep arrives to collect payment. She suspects Neal's fiance, Tamara, is involved, but her parents insist only Mr. Gold could overpower Regina. He explains finding her in the woods with her powers still out of control. During the search, they are cornered by two Dark Ones, who, unbeknownst to the couple, brand them with the mark of Charon. From upstairs, Henry has been eavesdropping and pushes his way into the conversation. Because the curse was cast by SNow, they demand Mary Margaret is the mayor now. The brown doublet and white undershirt worn by Prince Charming in several episodes, The ensemble Prince Charming is wearing during and after the events of the, Despite the fact that Prince Charming wore a wedding ring for his wedding in ". Before leaving, Snow fulfills her end of the deal by revealing the name of her child: Emma. Anton wishes to speak to Emma, but she is not in town, so he continues with the rampage by chasing the three down. After she leaves, David tells Hook that Emma is never going to like him since he's just a pirate. The conversation becomes awkward once Hook implies Emma wants to go back to New York, and Regina approaches to inquire further. Casually, she asks if he has found a job yet, and David mentions he is now working at the animal shelter. 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