There are as many Plural experiences, as there are Plurals. You might hear voices, such as voices arguing or commenting on your actions. they do have an internal monologue but they are not suffering from DID, do they only have one voice/identity? People with DID/OSDD are on their own spectrum--based on how much amnesia they have and/or how separate and distinct their alters are. But many symptoms may appear to be non-trauma-related, such as depression, substance abuse, eating disorders and anxiety. Highly recommend reading. Thanks. Its very interesting, informative, and definitely worth your time! Im here looking for answers, because its all so confusing. I agree DID in its entirety gets more attention as complete fragmentation caused by trauma . It can be highly disorienting for those involved and can interfere with memory formation, concentration, and remaining covert (that is, not appearing visibly mentally ill to others). A fantastic video from Dr. Mike Lloyd from the CTAD Clinic on how alters/parts in DID/OSDD develop from complex trauma. What are things in your system that everyone has to abide by? It is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. It's like "my" POV just changes. yeah, i'm sure. And even successfully obtaining a diagnosis can cause difficulties in work situations, in applying for life insurance or even travel insurance, and in the stigma that surrounds so many mental health conditions. You might lose a lot of details or misremember the important bits. In order to receive a diagnosis for dissociative identity disorder, you must display Recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events that are inconsistent with ordinary forgetting. In clinical circles, it is often taken to mean amnesia between parts, so that if the apparently normal personality (ANP) is fully co-consciousness for what other parts are saying and doing (especially the emotional personalities or EPs) then that is not full DID. You might have moments where you involuntarily switch to a vulnerable alter. I couldnt believe what I was saying and how I was behaving.). While this disorder is hard to live with, we often lead fulfilling lives. ), Hello, I am Sunflower. i haven't heard of other systems where this is the case and was wondering if anyone else had experiences like this. When they co I sometimes get like a brain fog after and can't remember bits and pieces of what happened. But how do you describe OSDD? Maybe not right away, but eventually. Most people who claim that they are endogenic OSDDID systems are: 1. I didnt fight it because there was good reason for it, its just sad to be triggered so drastically. It is used for individuals who have similar symptoms to those with DID but who do not meet the ful. However, as some systems do only use the term trigger to refer to negative stimuli that causes a dissociative or, Switches can be slow, quick, or uncontrollably rapid. Alters might feel things likethose are the hosts parents, not mine.. A common identifier in the OSDD community is the idea of OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b, the theoretically two boxes that OSDD systems fall into, depending on what criteria they dont quite match. Seek a professional if you are questioning a mental disorder!). The outputs are commonly 24vdc but they could be other voltages or relay contact-based as well. You might have moments where you feel like you are in a dream or a fog. Both full switches and "partial intrusions" of alters are described in more detail by Dell in the paper"A New Model of Dissociative Identity Disorder". Sometimes, when in big distress, it feels like derealization and everything seems to just zoom by. The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook by Haddock, Deborah Bray on the development of DID. The good news is that 1a and 1b are not the only categories for OSDD systems. Then we found out about OSDD, and suddenly everything made sense. Thank you, this has been very informative. For more information on the data that this website collects and how to opt out, please visit the Privacy Policy page. This seems to me to be a real issue that again the DSM criteria do not sufficiently address. According to the theory of structural dissociation (I will get into explaining the theory of structural dissociation in a later post). Association is the first and only grassroots, volunteer and peer-led nonprofit empowering Plurals. A lot of people dont even realise that Ive changed I just get told that Im moody or something like that. When talking about a personality as a whole a sub system refers to emotional sub systems, or emotional action chains. Vote 0 comments But also when Im like that, I cant do other things I normally can, like tell the time. Press J to jump to the feed. You might sometimes go catatonic or become paralyzed without a medical cause. Right now OSDD sounds like hypochondriac or DID wannabe and Its not like that at all! So our focus is on living with that entire range of symptoms, and being able to deal with the underlying cause. It would cause misunderstandings as I would present myself as very angry and fearless, laughing at everything and at another moment I would be extremely fearful and could not handle anything that would stir up trauma again. While this disorder is hard to live with, we often lead fulfilling lives. I learned an overwhelming amount about the details of what happens between genetics and environment to create the dissociative symptoms and how it relates to the spectrum; so much makes sense to my situation and I learned about eco therapy, and a few of the suggestions I have not tried yet! I dont feel that I can ask for help because I cannot allow anyone to see the dark part, so I feel myself always looking happy weirdly (and thankfully), I always feel happy too (I think). Indeed, one of the hallmarks of DID is the extremes of coping capacity in their ANP state, people with DID can present as high-functioning and extremely competent, only to crash for example at night when their EP states take over. I keep telling my therapist im that and no one cares and just keep my diagnosis of DID, its actually partial DID not osdd-1b, osdd-1b is no switch amnesia. Undoubtedly, it is a mixed bag of negatives and positives for each person. The belief that DID is overdiagnosed & primarily diagnosed in America. Slow switches can also indicate that the system is heavily dissociated and depersonalized and that alters are struggling to connect with the mind and body. At first it was me and them. What gave it away was missing a certain jacket that I know we still have somewhere, just not sure where. Also, at one moment, I would be okay with something someone said and then only for me to become intensely furious after an hour. Sometimes it's noted with a headache or even migraine. Does that mean that they are DID when they are in crisis but OSDD the rest of the time? This website uses cookies in order to analyze visitor trends. The following personal communication from someone with OSDD (reprinted with permission) is revealing: I dont have parts like other people seem to. Where are my memories? They have similar names but not the same names .. The more accurate information available about these chronically misunderstood systems of coping the better for all. . Switches can be consensual, forced, or triggered. For those with OSDD-1a, this is due to a lack of two or more sufficiently differentiated alters, and for those with OSDD-1b, this is due to a lack of amnesia between alters. My final tip is to know that things will be okay. How are major life decisions going to be made? There are 4 types of OSDD, but the most common is OSDD-1 which is similar to DID. It is rarely accompanied by an alter changing what clothing the system is wearing, announcing themselves in public, or extreme whiplashes in behavior or personality. You might have moments where youre unable to remember important life events, such as the day you got married. That includes what causes it, factors that influence its presentation, how alters are created, how switching works, all the current science behind this stuff, etc. But when I am in the dark side it is like the most whole part, yet I function in the light part. So not all information on this website might apply to your situation or be helpful to you; please, use caution. Note: DDNOS (dissociative disorder not otherwise specified) was renamed OSDD (other specified dissociative disorder) in the latest update to the psychiatric diagnostic manual, the DSM-5. I don't think at all that their only goal is to hurt you. Very, very rarely does it feel like somebody else is controlling my body while I watch. In some respects, one way of looking at dissociative identity disorder is that it is a way for people to play out or act out their feelings and behaviours in another part of themselves whilst staying at a safe distance from it. We were a system of 13-14 alters and from my perspective there was very limited full switching. it's when "you" just sort of "become" someone else, but you still feel like yourself. I hope I did not break any rules above! Also, if you can give me some more info on what this type of switching is, in what types of systems it's the most common, etc, it would be super useful! You might have moments where you feel unreal. Loved and feeling safe is possible now, if only I can reach out and accept it, A severe case of OSDD, too many EPs to count and keep track of, somewhere between 50 and 100. But the onslaught and angry and aggressive voices waging violence against me in my head was a daily, constant battle. Communication may also be clearer between parts in OSDD-1b systems. It's actually really sinister because you can mistake it for different moods or something, but it changes much more than just mood. The remaining cases rarely manifest detectable identities, except when these patients are in crisis. People with dissociative identity disorder have at least two distinctly different identities, but some believe as many as 100 can emerge. i'm sure. There are four presentations of OSDD listed in the DSM-5: In practice, subtype 1 is much more common than the others. What I find really hard though is when I'm faced with evidence of them actually having switched out and done things. Clinicians have also noted difficulties that arise in therapy for people with OSDD, as opposed to DID. And we plan to reference this page often. But at the end of the day they are just like you. Other specified dissociative disorder (OSDD) is a dissociative disorder that serves as a catch-all category for symptom clusters that do not fit neatly within another dissociative disorder diagnosis. Besides that, there are many, many more symptoms that are very common. Well, a support friend, who has seen my struggles the past 2 years, sent me a link to a DID/DDNOS zoom conference last weekend, full of Survivors, Scientists, and Therapists who specialize in Dissociative Disorders. Over the years, weve found out that there are differences between DID and OSDD systems that arent nearly as talked about as they should be. ), Mobile Links:[About] [FAQ] Where is my childhood? Furthermore, these are common but not required; a person does not need to experience all of these things to have DID/OSDD. a) Assuming that the goal of working through a system's DID issues is to find ways to identify and address what generated these, in an ideal world where a system (after a serious amount of amazingly hard work) could successfully identify, address and even resolve these issues, would the "ultimate" goal be to put each identity to "rest" and only keep one (ideally one that combines the strongest characteristics of all the others), or is keeping many identities that work well together also considered a successful ultimate goal (in other words, is having multiple identities necessarily a disorder)? At least now I know. I dont related in any intimate way to friends or lovers I remain unattached and dont know how to be intimate or close to anyone .. At one level that is eclectic theory, but in practice it can mean that a person with OSDD has fewer adult parts to help share the load. We see the presence of these dissociative parts of the personality as really important, and of course it is the stand-out feature of DID, but we also recognise that parts develop in response to trauma and disorganised attachment, as do a whole range of other symptoms. Other Specified Dissociative Disorder is a diagnosis which was introduced in the DSM-5 psychiatric manual, released in 2013. Its quite.a mess to get to grips with .. Non-human alters are parts of individuals with dissociative identity disorder (DID) that see themselves as animals, fantasy creatures, or hybrids. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. They are separate diagnostic manuals and which diagnosis you get depends mostly on which manual your therapist is using. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. None of us remember it, but thats ok. We dont need (or want) to know what happened in our childhood that caused everyone to form, although our carer usually encourages us to try to remember because she thinks it will be good for us or something. But the most violent and hateful ones could only front enough to assist in/enact self harm or such things. And as the OSDD appellation is so often dropped in favour of DID due not least to its incredibly cumbersome name, which hardly rolls off the tongue! Caring was beyond me, only existing moment to moment, hoping not to be hurt anymore, drifting deeper into insanity. I've had 2 non-switching alters for at least 9 years now. Non-switching systems, or partial DID as it's called in the ICD, are systems who have an alter always remain in front, and other alters can "only" exert passive influence and co-fronting. Non-switching systems, or partial DID as it's called in the ICD, are systems who have an alter always remain in front, and other alters can "only" exert passive influence and co-fronting. Emotions were ripped from me and cast into the maelstrom. Other times, it a switch flicking in my brain and then the feeling that if that part were not a part of my life, it leading a completely different life. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So, your article is a godsend testament to my experiences. DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER (previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder) is the most severe and chronic manifestation of dissociation, characterized by the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states that recurrently take control of the individual's behavior, accompanied by an inability to recall important personal Empathize with them. It should be said that OSDD systems who have shared memory with their system tend to have a leg up over systems who have memory gaps. These alters protect the main identity from awareness of trauma. Memory gaps You might find that your memory is unreliable. I think it would make sense for my experience to be a spectrum than necessarily one or the other. I think writing about the experiences and types of otherwise unspecified DID which is not fully understood will help both professionals and those experiencing this to understand more fully themselves and lead to greater personal understanding , and access to support and help . And yet I know and have spoken to dozens and dozens of people with DID who are fully conscious of themselves when other parts are out. One of them, called Mind, was a very mean voice in my head for all those years. We are a system with OSDD 1b (fully formed alters with no amnesia), and we all feel validated in knowing that there are others like us and we aren't the only ones who exist as separate people and switch regularly, but without amnesia. Generally Switches are grouped into three categories; consensual, forced and triggered. This author does not have any more posts. Thats not really how DID and OSDD work. There might be alters who still carry onto memories, thoughts, feelings, or behaviors related to past trauma. Our continuous memory gives us a more continual sense of self. How can you distinguish this from modes in BPD? Then I have historical mes that exist related to the life they faced. Just now I saw a comment by an OSDD system describing something similar to the above as a 'non-possessive switch' and would like to know if that's a common way of describing it. and i'm stuck with them every hour that i'm awake. So what is the solution? A subtype of consensual switches are planned switches that were agreed upon ahead of time. (she/her/hers or plural they/them/theirs), Pingback: All about Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD) - an explanation about OSDD-1A & OSDD-1B -, Your email address will not be published. Our daily life is hardly effected by large memory gaps or losing time, only a hard time retaining tidbits of information, as we dont fully switch either (for some reason or another, we havent found out why). I don't think you always cofronting is a problem, I've heard of it before. Anyways, thank you so much for creating this article and giving other systems like us so much validation. Your email address will not be published. Please consult a licensed professional before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about potential mental health conditions. Thank you for writing this, it helps a lot. Necessary cookies enable core functionality such as security, network management, and accessibility. So partial amnesia and/or brain fog during a switch is still DID? You might experience other conditions without any medical cause, such as pseudoseizures. ), Complex trauma is also known as developmental trauma in that it is trauma that is chronic, pervasive, and it happens early in development from, say, birth to teens. dissociative identity disorderand otherwise specified dissociative disorder, type 1are dissociative disorders that involve two or more separate personality states (or alters). I have the ME that is in control of now. We discussed the results but not the diagnosis (I know its mostly for insurance anyway, but I like to do research so I like to know whats going on). Whilst someone with dissociative identity disorder might be working towards eventually narrowing the gap between their ANPs and EPs, for someone with OSDD that gap may already be relatively narrow, and paradoxically for many this can lead to more states of crisis as they do not have the well-developed (albeit dissociative) inner resources of people with DID. But I cant work any more, because I cant stay present to do it. OSDD is from the DSM, P-DID is from the ICD. Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD) is a diagnosis within the DSM-V covering chronic & disruptive dissociative symptoms that do not fit the full criteria of any dissociative disorder. I also advocate against ableism and harassment. This is a complex area of debate, because as Spiegel et al, in their paper Dissociative Disorders in DSM-5 (2011, p.839), point out: According to Kluft and Dell, only 15% of dissociative identity disorder cases regularly manifest easily observable alternate identities during diagnostic interviews. This is certainly the view of a number of experts in the field. Kluft used the term window of diagnosability to capture the latent nature of clear-cut switching phenomena in dissociative identity disorder patients. Since DID/OSDD are more complex forms of PTSD, you or other alters might experience the symptoms of complex PTSD. People with OSDD often feel that their experience is not represented in books, articles and websites, that they are less than people with DID that not only are they messed up, as one person put it to me, but, Weve even messed up being messed up, by not having a proper condition.. i hear them in my head (they're constantly coconscious with me) and they have very limited control of the body (like, being able to move my arm or something) but they never assume full executive control. Dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (DDNOS) is a catch-all category for dissociative disorders that do not fall into other groups. They cant be allowed to take over. There might be times where your body seems to be moving and speaking on its own because another alter is controlling it. I guess my own personal experience, too? Of course they are not, and their experience is valid exactly because it is their experience. It was, like you, said, in smaller bits of control. But other people with OSDD do indeed have less obviously distinct parts of the personality and report feeling perplexed when they read about people with DID talking about their 4-year-old part called Alice or their 6-year-old boy part called Ricky. System discovery can be scary, its probably thrown your life completely off-balance for the moment, but know that it gets easier. OSDD usually forms in the child's early teens, or even earlier. You might feel like your body is unrecognizable, unreal, or doesnt reflect who you are. they aren't any more traumatized than me, in fact, after what they've put me through, i'd say they're less, and they still manage to be the most vile people i've ever had the misfortune to encounter. That are very common to my experiences vulnerable alter of course they are diagnostic... Positives for each person distress, it feels like derealization and everything seems be. 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