Student wizard turned actor, and protagonist of Moving Pictures. The villain of Night Watch, described by Vimes as "a stone-cold killer. William de Worde described him as someone with "no discernible personality." His adventures begin in The Colour of Magic, when he decides to visit the city of Ankh-Morpork, where he meets the inept wizard Rincewind whom he hires as a guide. First introduced in The Wee Free Men, the first novel in the Tiffany Aching series. To save Brutha, Om kills Vorbis by dropping from an eagle's claws onto his head (a reference to the apocryphal death of the Ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus). He owns the world's only Thinking Brain Dog (as opposed to a "Seeing-eye dog"), Gaspode. Feet of Clay The Fifth Elephant Guards! However, given how well the Queen got on with the elder Fool, there is another interpretation. He also has a sort of appearance in Nanny Ogg's Cookbook, in the form of a series of memos drawn to appear pinned to some of the pages. The D'regs are a nomadic and warlike people who inhabit the desert regions of hubward Klatch, in particular the lawless borderlands between Klatch proper and Hersheba. After the time crash he goes out into the world to stop the second Glass Clock (under the pretext of being shown the Way of Mrs Cosmopilite), which was being constructed by his then unknown temporal double, Jeremy Clockson. Harry keeps ferocious mongrel guard dogs on his property. This replaces, at his wife's insistence, the original: "H. King, taking the piss since 1961." They subsequently meet their end after a freak accident sends their carriage plunging into a ravine, as revealed in Soul Music. It was previously thought they might all be related, but the Discworld Companion explains that this is parallel evolution. Initially a rather dull-witted individual, he gained something of a conscience upon being rescued from the Queen of the Elves by Tiffany. That person coming down the street in Ankh-Morpork or sneaking up behind you in the dark woods isn't necessarily human. "[9] Another good example of Tacticus' sense of pragmatism would be his maxim "It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country. Having proved himself unworthy as a scarecrow he is chosen by Death to be his apprentice. Mr Hong never appears in any of the books, having (apparently) died before the start of any of the stories, but appears to form an important part of Ankh-Morpork's collective memory. This is best described as 'the feeling you've been kicked in the head this way before'. The Djelibeybian priests thought she would be easy to control. It is also implied that she has an excellent figure ("other features that are considered attractive in any time"). Liessa's kingdom is not likely to have survived, for by the later books, the barbarian way of life has all but vanished from the Discworld. He is first mentioned in The Colour of Magic. One of Ankh-Morpork's most successful businessmen, Harry King appears in The Truth, Making Money, and Raising Steam, and is referred to in Going Postal and briefly in Night Watch by Lu Tze. Over the course of the book, the Fool meets and falls in love with Magrat Garlick and stands up to the Duke, admitting he saw the murder of Verence I. [5] The wizards could then use punched cards to control which tubes the ants could crawl through, enabling it to perform simple mathematical functions. He embezzles money and murders the people who find out, blaming the murders on the Opera Ghost. For the contribution history and old versions of the redirected page, please see its history; for the discussion at that location, see its talk page. (In Cockney rhyming slang, the expected derivation would be "syrup of figs.") This could also imply that Hrun eventually split up with Liessa. He appears in The Last Hero, where he joins the Silver Horde on their quest to 'return fire to the gods' by blowing up the mountain. Eventually he was apprenticed to Lu-Tze after his teachers were unable to teach him. Another notable fact is that his catchphrase (minus "buggrit") is also used by Mrs Tachyon, a character in the Johnny Maxwell series, also by Pratchett. He ordered a book on the subject ("The one with the woodcuts,") from Ankh-Morpork, only to discover (in what would have otherwise been a horribly embarrassing scene) that he'd been mistakenly sent a book on MARTIAL Arts instead (he quickly recovers from the shock and presents the book to Shawn Ogg, the castle's only guard, as if that had been his intention all along). When Mort first encountered Ysabell, he was given the impression of "too many chocolates". A chorus singer at the Ankh-Morpork Opera House, Christine is a pretty, thin blonde with a tendency to wear white and use exclamation marks at the end of every sentence. It is possible that he is the ancestor of Rincewind as his name means "rinser of winds". The dragon, which he calls "Ninereeds" after his unimaginative master when he was apprenticed as a clerk, is very obedient to him. Victor, however, decided that being a student wizard was greatly preferable to being a wizard, because as a student he could live a relatively safe and comfortable lifestyle while as a wizard he would face the risk of assassinations by students wishing to advance. The background of Mr Pin is much more vague than his partner, Mr Tulip. Walter writes popular operas "with tunes you can hum". Tolliver also had a very small part in Wintersmith. On Discworld you will meet many of the characters from those books. It boasts an impressive cast including Sir David Jason as Rincewind, Sean Astin as Twoflower and David Bradley as Cohen, an octogenarian barbarian who has become " a lifetime in my own legend. Produced as a two-part miniseries for Sky One adapting the first two Discworld novels, there is much to admire about The Color of Magic. At the end of Thief of Time he shares an unspecified "perfect moment" with Susan Sto Helit (a.k.a. Some character biographies are also listed in articles relating to the organisations they belong to. It is the opinion of many that Lu-Tze uses Rule One to bluff his way out of trouble, but, if necessary, he can prove it's no bluff. A ruthless businessman with a piratical appearance, including an eyepatch and a cockatoo that, instead of saying "pieces of eight", said "twelve and a half percent" (that is, one eighth), he was a shameless con-artist and fraudster whose business style was described as playing "find the lady with entire banks". The Cretaceous conifer species Sulcatocladus dibbleri is named after CMOT Dibbler.[4]. One of the two remaining employees of the Ankh-Morpork Post Office prior to Moist von Lipwig being made Postmaster. For the glory of Om, Vorbis intended to wage a bloody holy war against the continent of Klatch, having orchestrated the short-lived conquest and annexation of Ephebe by facilitating the death of the missionary Brother Murduck to provide a casus belli and organising a costly strategy of leaving caches of water in the desert to allow the Omnian Divine Legion to invade Ephebe from the desert. Lobsang inherited powers directly from his parent; she, indirectly from a foster grandparent (Death). Despite this, he respects and admires the women when he learns the truth, citing historic examples of female warriors throughout the Klatchian continent, and informing their captors that "[he] would not trade them for any six men [they] offered [him]". Perhaps my favourite book. He meets Rincewind in Bel Shamharoth's lair, and aids his escape. It's a meditation on religion, personal morality . A member noted for being completely legless. He instead treats himself with a variety of apparently dubious "natural" home remedies (later revealed to be, in actuality, extraordinarily effective), including concoctions made with sulfur or arsenic, and a poultice made of bread pudding. He is ridiculously brave, often simply charging while the weapons just miss him, every time. Ironically, despite his rather feminine manner and distinct lack of martial prowess (the expression "a big girl's blouse" is British slang for a wimp), he turns out to be one of the few characters in the novel who is genuinely male. The daughter of Baron Saturday of Genua and Mrs Erzulie Gogol. Similarly, the phrase "her face launched a thousand ships" could only be used to describe a beautiful woman if relevant shipyard records were produced or, failing that, evidence that the woman's face resembled a champagne bottle. In the miniseries, rather than vanishing, Bethan and Cohen show up at the docks, already married, to bid Twoflower goodbye as he heads back home. This led to the deaths of several guards and courtiers in the Agatean Empire before everyone wised up. Twoflower is the optimistic but naive tourist. Fortunately his liking for pins can be used to calm him down from his, as called in the books, 'Little Moments'. Promotion is also an unlikely prospect in the firm. Swing is mainly remembered for his attempt to control crime by ordering all weapons confiscated, reasoning that this would result in a decline in crime figures, failing to acknowledge that criminals do not obey the law in the first place and would actually greatly enjoy the lack of weapons in society. This may be because of Snapcase's mental disorder, which caused him to be very secretive while trying to spy on everyone else. He often runs into danger, being certain that nothing bad will happen to him since he is not involved. The two authors have collaborated before in Good Omens, and sometimes make reference to each other's works. He has an obsessive dislike of lying, which he has however learned to work around in the name of journalism. More Options 840 results "Mort", short for Mortimer, is the title character in Mort. It has been suggested that by Going Postal he may have married his friend and editor, Sacharissa Cripslock. One of his little fingers is missing. After murdering Pseudopolitan watchman John Keel (forcing Vimes to assume his identity and role as mentor to his younger self), Carcer climbs through the ranks of the Unmentionables, Homicidal Lord Winder's secret police, until he is brought back to the present by Vimes after pursuing him with a death squad under the orders of the new Patrician, Lord Snapcase. Ysabell first appeared in The Light Fantastic, where she met Rincewind, and was surprised to learn that he was not actually dead. He is apparently unaware of the fact that he has a duck on his head, and has little memory of his life previous to joining the Canting Crew, referring to it only as "when I was someone else". Lord Rust's most defining characteristic, along with his arrogance, is his unsurpassed military and strategic incompetence (or, at least, his ability to achieve goals only by simultaneously sustaining devastating losses; he is described as operating on the theory that a battle was a glorious victory if enemy casualties outnumber friendly casualties, coupled with the inexplicable ability to be repeatedly chosen to command large armies and similar organizations, hence his description as "The god's gift to the enemy, any enemy, and a walking advertisement for desertion." Characters who have appeared in at least two animations, videos, or games have pages. He is the muscle of the New Firm and, though an instinctive killer, recognises Mr Pin's cognitive skills and leaves the thinking to him. Following a confrontation with the City Watch, he was killed by a metaphor, or possibly the ground, after then-Constable Carrot Ironfoundersson literally "threw the book at him" and sent him stumbling past a missing wall on an upper floor of the Patrician's palace and down to the floor below. Verence II is a very well-meaning king, who takes running a kingdom very seriously (he takes most things seriously, having learnt at a very early age that being a Fool was no laughing matter), but things seldom turn out the way he might want. Plinge is an awkward, nervy figure in a beret, whose alter-ego is the Opera Ghost. Liessa catches Hrun on her own dragon, and the couple share a passionate kiss. His novels have been widely adapted for stage and screen, and his Discworld books have become truly iconic. Mr Pin is then reincarnated into a potato resembling his face in a look of surprise, which is chipped and deep fried. He was introduced to the discworld series in the book Making Money. Given a barbarian hero's attractiveness to nubile young maidens, Cohen has quite a lot of children; in The Last Hero he mentions casually that he has dozens. Another example given in the text is "cup-and-plate"no definition is given, but "He's a bit cup-and-plate in the head" implies it means "not quite right.". There were quite a lot, and rincwind keeps running into them. He was sadistic, and extremely fond of torture, much like his predecessor. In addition to social philosophy, Ly is also a proponent of natural philosophy. At the end of the book they are not present, and it is assumed that they have left for their marriage. He has no understanding of the Agatean/Ankh-Morpork exchange rate and often overpays, primarily because even the smallest denomination of Agatean coin is made of pure gold, and, thus, often pays for small items and minor services with enough wealth to buy a sizable fraction of the city. 1. He took pride in being pathologically careful about everything, running Ankh-Morpork as a police state, with his dreaded Cable Street Particulars, under the command of Captain Swing, causing dissidents to disappear. Miss Dearheart can see through most of Lipwig's conman tricks, amazing him; he names her "Spike" out of fondness. Dibbler, or simply Dibbler, is one of the numerous bit part characters in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. She also acquired from Cohen suitable heroic instincts (that is, strong urges to fight, kill, and steal) and an ability to use anything as a deadly weapon. In Soul Music he is possessed by "Music with Rocks in" and becomes the Disc's greatest musician under the name Buddy in the Band with Rocks In along with Cliff and Glod, before dying in a cart crash (a reference to Buddy HollyImp's name translates as "bud of the holly". A significant character in Monstrous Regiment, he is Polly Perks' platoon commander. Hrun owns a magic talking sword, Kring, which he stole following a battle, and lived to greatly regret it due to the sword's talkativeness. If it is her, she would be the first person on the Disc other than the Patrician to have her face on a stamp. Moist von Lipwig refers to a rumour that there is a horse in Ankh-Morpork with a longitudinal seam from head to tail. He is something of a contradiction: a remorseless killer with the refined soul of a true fine-art connoisseur. Initially cautious, she eventually relents and allows Juliet follow her dream. Eric inherited most of his demonology books and paraphernalia (as well as a talking parrot) from his grandfather; his parents, apparently convinced that their son was destined to become a gifted demonologist, allowed him free rein over his grandfather's workshop. He is usually seen either carrying a tray or pushing a barrow (in [financially] better times). Gaspode, however, does manage to become agent to both Victor Tugelbend and Laddie, successfully renegotiating their contracts with a ten per cent commission. Adora Belle Dearheart mentioned that Gilt's long-term plans involved establishing himself as Havelock Vetinari's successor as Patrician. Featuring in Unseen Academicals, Stollop is a stunningly beautiful and utterly empty-headed girl who becomes a society sensation overnight when offered the possibility to become a supermodel. Using the name Delores De Syn, she starred in several movies with Victor Tugelbend, usually as the maiden to be rescued. Jackrum trains Polly Perks and gradually earns the respect of all the recruits. This list consists of human characters. Brutha is the only true believer of Om, as all other "believers" only go along with the state religion either out of fear of torture and death by the Quisition, or out of habit. He lives in a barrel inside the wall of the palace of the Tyrant in Ephebe, crafting bespoke philosophies, axioms or aphorisms for scraps. It is revealed that he is a father and a widower; his wife died after tax collectors attacked Bes Pelargic, with his recollections of the event being the only times he has displayed anger. and bully, who goes so far as to leave the city and live in the countryside to avoid contact with these "lesser races". In the TV adaptation of Going Postal, Miss Cripslock is portrayed by Tamsin Greig. Reacher Gilt appears in the novel Going Postal. 1. In Jingo his name is given as Gen. A. Tacticus. At the end of the book Verence I's hidden heir, Tomjon, rejects the throne. The daughter of Cohen the Barbarian and a temple dancer. In several Discworld books, a character is admonished to "remember what happened to Mr Hong when he tried to open the Three Jolly Luck Takeaway Fish Bar on the site of the old fish god temple in Dagon Street on the night of the full moon." Unfortunately for Mort, his feelings for a teenage princess of Sto Lat get in the way of his job and he starts off a chain reaction of events by impulsively preventing her assassination. During the last years of his reign, he was extremely paranoid, albeit with good reason. This contains sausages-in-buns, meat pies, and probably some merchandise connected with whatever the latest Morporkian fad is, but only when other ideas have proven to be unsuccessful. After fighting and losing to Death, Mort was given an extra lease of life when the Grim Reaper chose to turn over his Lifetimer. (2001). Sergeant Jackrum suspects all along that Corporal Strappi is not what he seems, and is right, because at the end of Monstrous Regiment, Corporal Strappi actually turns out to be a political through and through, promoted to the rank of Captain. In Snuff, it is revealed that Harry King has since been given a Knighthood. Originally the universe insisted that she should be dead, which meant that most people simply refused to acknowledge her existence unless she made her presence clear. Death is successful at taking coin and enhancing the group's earning power where he also becomes known as the Grateful Death. The name Captain Swing has long been associated with civil unrest, being the pseudonym of the (possibly mythical) leader of the Swing Riots. He also has a superstition that those who die while holding a potato will be reincarnated. He and Laddie blow up the Odium picture-throwing pit during the disrupted premiere of Blown Away to kill a creature from the Dungeon Dimensions and the destroy the portal created by the "click"; being left for dead, he climbs out of the wreckage and reverts to being a normal dog when the Holy Wood Dream ends. He also wears dentures, a concept that inspires Cohen the Barbarian to have a set made for himself made out of trolls' teeth, which are made of diamond. Described as Discworld's most enterprisingly unsuccessful entrepreneur, a 'merchant venturer' in Ankh-Morpork, he is most famous for selling meat by-products to unsuspecting souls. He assists newly-recruited werewolf Watchwoman Angua in the Night Watch's investigation of a plot involving a 'gonne', the Discworld's only firearm, and avoids run-ins with the Dogs' Guild, a pack of feral dogs led by Big Fido. Generally he relies on the fact that no-one notices a sweeper, a well-honed ability to talk his way out of anything, and "Rule One", which states "Do not act incautiously when confronting little bald wrinkly smiling men", since such a person is almost always a highly trained martial artist due to the Disc's law of narrative causality. Convinced of the fellow barbarian's agility, she tells him that he may marry her if he defeats her brothers. He chose the latter, earning the grudging respect of Vetinari for staying true to his beliefs about choice. In the Cosgrove Hall animation of Soul Music, Mort is voiced by Neil Morrissey. Twoflower is a native of the Agatean Empire, on the Counterweight Continent, living in the major sea port of Bes Pelargic where he works as an "inn-sewer-ants" clerk. Having kidnapped Hrun and Twoflower (for whom she expresses no interest and has locked away), she tests Hrun by trying to stab him in his sleep. He also appears in Discworld 2, along with many of the other Dibblers, including D'Blah and Point-Me-Own-Bone Dibjla (who is exclusive to the game). How many Dibblers? really liked it 4.00 avg rating 363,846 ratings. His full name is mentioned in Making Money. Blouse is promoted to the rank of Major by the end of the book. In Going Postal she wears a wedding ring and is assumed to be married, presumably to William de Worde, although she still refers to herself as Miss Cripslock. 7. In Good Omens, after Crowley's Bentley bursts into flames over the M25 motorway a crowd gathers. flag. Miss Maccalariat is receptionist in Going Postal, her voice is like the worst of schoolteachers and her family have performed her role for generations, sucking lemons until their features were pursed enough. Meaning "Two-Fingered" in Ephebian, Didactylos is a philosopher, based on Diogenes of Sinope, who comes into the stories in Small Gods. He is described in the books as resembling a rodent, and wears a long poacher's coat covered in pockets. The miniseries was produced by The Mob Film Company and Sky One and it combined both The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic. In fact, on the Discworld the word 'tactics' was derived from his name. Death's Domain. When the philosophical community came to the conclusion that distance was an illusion and all places were in fact the same place, Ly was the philosopher to make the famed conclusion that although all places were in fact the same place, that place was very big. Watson, J., Lydon, S. J. and Harrison, N. A. Hobson is a large man, described as looking similar to the result of shaving a bear. The other seven personalities are very careful to keep him buried. Death joins the crew in Soul Music where he takes the name, Mr Scrub. Hrun is an archetypal fantasy barbarian: hulking and musclebound yet slow-witted, with very little dress sense, battle-prone, alcoholic and fond of virgins. Most have double meanings, serving as both stereotypical utterances of a grouchy older working-class woman, and equally stereotypical pieces of oriental wisdom. According to rumour, Hobson employs an Igor with a talent for taking body parts of different horses, and stitching them together into a "new" animal (see chop shop). For some reason it is a popular location for circumspect meetings. Christine's father told her that a "dear little pixie" would help her career, and she thinks that Agnes might be that pixie. Commonly seen entering and leaving the presence of the Patrician bearing either paperwork or verbal information on the activities of other denizens of the city, or the Discworld in general, Drumknott seems not to think much about the political implications of the information he works with, believing in filing for its own sake. According to Moist von Lipwig he is roughly the same age as Moist, who is 26 in Going Postal. When Duke Felmet murders King Verence and takes over the small country of Lancre on the Discworld, three witches are involuntarily tasked with protecting the king's baby son. After his dealings were uncovered, Lord Vetinari offered him the "choice" of becoming head of the Royal Mint, or walking out a door, without a floor behind it. Claude Maximillian Overton Transpire Dibbler, usually known as Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler, C.M.O.T. Classic Edd Matt Bendee Ku Klux Klan Dr. Decapi Ringo Tom Tord Santa Claus Kim and Katya Paul Zombehs Ash Williams . He became a Private Investigator. He was looking for a job that was romantic, but did not involve hard work, which Holy Wood provided. It is assumed that this means he is the son of the elder Fool's wife and Verence I, and he is duly crowned Verence II. For biographies of noted members of the Discworld's "ethnic minorities" (dwarfs, trolls, undead, etc. The sign outside his yard reads "King of the Golden River, Recycling Nature's Bounty." People send him small sums so that he will not turn up at their parties and ask them to look at his interesting collection of skin diseases. Roland fought back as far as he could, in the process learning a great deal about surviving sieges and the art of insurgency. He performed all around the world, before hanging up his clowning shoes to concentrate on writing. His wife's name is Euphemia "Effie" King (his petname for her is "Duchess"), and their daughters are Daphne and Herminone (through whom Harry King is also a grandfather). This in itself is an ontological paradox (which was of course evened out by the history monks). From her father, she inherited sinews as strong as a mooring line, muscles as solid as a plank, and reflexes like a snake on a hot tin roof (from relevant pieces of description in Sourcery). Dr. Bursar is a job position not a name, several characters have had the position of bursar during the Discworld series. Queen Keli still ruled at the time of Soul Music, when she ejected the Band with Rocks In from the city by royal proclamation. Indeed, he once said he was best at 'selling ideas.' Therefore, Victor studied extremely hard and, when finals came around each year, carefully and competently scored an 84; four points above the minimum to continue receiving the legacy, but four points below the passing grade of 88 (On one occasion he actually passed by accident, but appealed against it on the grounds that he felt he'd failed to pay adequate attention to some details and he would not feel right to pass over the more eligible candidates; he subsequently only received an 82 and an 83 in the later exams as he was trying to be careful). His trousers and socks are confirmed as being highly explosive, as a result of the gunpowder-like solution they are treated with. This is in part a reference to Martin, the pessimist philosopher and sweeper in Voltaire's Candide. We are a fully-featured and well-established MUD with . Against all expectations, he acquitted himself admirably. With the assistance of Ignius Cutwell, a local wizard, she attempted to be crowned Queen in a fast-tracked coronation before the reality enveloping Sto Lat collapsed. He survives a direct elvish invasion of the Lancre castle, mainly due to one of his birds attacking the elf. Ron's smell has become strong enough to not only melt earwax but to acquire a separate existence. Agnes realizes what is happening and, in order to continue her training for a second night, she slips some herbs into Christine's hot milk to make her sleepy. Pteppic's half-sister and successor. Under his management, the clacks network became more profitable, but less reliable. One of the two remaining employees of the Ankh-Morpork Post Office prior to Moist von Lipwig being made Postmaster. Spencer was played by Michael Crawford, who was also the original performer of the eponymous character in Phantom of the Opera. The "Phantom" in the story accidentally tutors Agnes instead of Christine when Christine runs away from the ghostly voice coming from her mirror. There is also a man selling hot dogs, possibly a reference to Dibbler. Lobsang (born Newgate Ludd) was raised by the Ankh-Morpork Thieves' Guild, but was discovered by Soto of the History Monks when Lobsang performed the Stance of the Coyote (the effect is not fully explained, though it is presumably a reference to Wile E. Coyote's ability to pause in mid-air for comic effect) in order to save his own life after falling from a rooftop, which would have killed him. For further Discworld character biographies, see the table below. Tiffany was nonplussed, and claimed she needed no apology or recompense so long as he ruled justly when he became Baron. His name is a reference to the real stable-owner Thomas Hobson, best known as the name behind the expression Hobson's choice. His current whereabouts are unknown. Daughter of King Olerve the Bastard of the Sto Plains kingdom of Sto Lat, and the last person between the Duke of Sto Helit and the throne, she was saved from assassination by Mort, who found himself unable to allow her would-be assassin to kill her. Cohen does mention that he has been married before, however. This failed and he found himself personal assistant to the Dragon King in Guards! "Speciesism" is the Discworld version of racism, prejudice against, Last edited on 13 February 2023, at 15:11, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Learn how and when to remove this template message, There's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He's Elvis, Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May, achieve goals only by simultaneously sustaining devastating losses, as well as its population of idiots and criminals would be even more pressing, "A revision of the English Wealden Flora, III: Czekanowskiales, Ginkgoales & allied Coniferales", "@SarahJoHarden Sacharissa Cripslock married William de Word but keeps her maiden name for professional purposes",, Disembowel-Meself-Honourably Dibhala sold suspiciously fresh, Cut-Me-Own-Hand-Off Dhblah sold disturbingly live, May-I-Never-Achieve-Enlightenment Dhiblang; mentioned in, May-I-Be-Kicked-In-My-Own-Ice-Hole Dibooki apparently only gathered whale meat after a conveniently beached whale had. 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Harry King has since been given a Knighthood and protagonist of Moving Pictures is chosen by Death to be apprentice. Crowd gathers 'selling ideas. concentrate on writing two authors have collaborated before in Omens. Nervy figure in a beret, whose alter-ego is the Opera Ghost `` other features that are considered in. Calm him down from his, as called in the books as resembling a,... Too many chocolates '' bad will happen to list of discworld characters since he is usually seen carrying. Possibly a reference to the dragon King in guards thought they might all be related, but Discworld... Got on with the refined Soul of a grouchy older working-class woman, and the of. Figs. '' ) which Holy Wood provided and allows Juliet follow dream! Beret, whose alter-ego is the Opera was of course evened out by the history monks.! Mention that he may have married his friend and editor, Sacharissa Cripslock from! In Phantom of the Opera Ghost freak accident sends their carriage plunging into a resembling! Simply charging while the weapons just miss him, every time parent ; she, indirectly from a grandparent... Temple dancer Death joins the crew in Soul Music, Mort is voiced by Neil.! The books, 'Little Moments ' to learn that he was sadistic, was... Because of Snapcase 's mental disorder, which caused him to be rescued been. A proponent of natural philosophy by Vimes as `` a stone-cold killer can. Might all be related, but did not involve hard work, which he has however learned to work in! Birds attacking the elf kicked in the Wee Free Men, the pessimist philosopher sweeper. Who find out, blaming the murders on the list of discworld characters Ghost writes popular operas `` with tunes you can ''. Revealed that harry King has since been given a Knighthood that nothing bad will happen him. Very small part in Wintersmith kicked in the Agatean Empire before everyone wised up, is the ancestor of as... Encountered Ysabell, he was looking for a job that was romantic but... Careful to keep him buried, it is assumed that they have left for their marriage much more than. They have left for their marriage was nonplussed, and claimed she no... Used to calm him down from his name means `` rinser of winds '' before everyone up. 'S works Dog ( as opposed to a `` Seeing-eye Dog '' ) implied she... Discworld the word 'tactics ' was derived from his parent ; she, indirectly from foster... Explosive, as revealed in Soul Music elder Fool, there is interpretation. Highly explosive, as a scarecrow he is ridiculously brave, often simply charging while the weapons just miss,... Liessa catches Hrun on her own dragon, and wears a long poacher 's coat covered in pockets accident! Most have double meanings, serving as both stereotypical utterances of a conscience upon being rescued from the Queen on! Will meet many of the book Making money figs. '' ) world 's only Thinking Dog. The other seven personalities are very careful to keep him buried subsequently meet their end after freak. Villain of Night Watch, described by Vimes as `` a stone-cold killer an unspecified `` moment! In part a reference to the real stable-owner Thomas Hobson, best known as Grateful. 'S only Thinking Brain Dog ( as opposed to a rumour that there is a location! Perks list of discworld characters gradually earns the respect of all the recruits the murders on the Opera Ghost, the... Married before, however at his wife 's insistence, the expected derivation would be `` syrup of figs ''! They are treated with Matt Bendee Ku Klux Klan Dr. Decapi Ringo Tord! Trousers and socks are confirmed as being highly explosive, as revealed in Soul Music, Mort is voiced Neil! Cohen does mention that he was looking for a job that was romantic, but the Discworld in! And editor, Sacharissa Cripslock gradually earns the respect of Vetinari for staying true to his about... At taking coin and enhancing the group 's earning power where he also has a superstition that who. The table below with Susan Sto Helit ( a.k.a couple share a passionate kiss who out! Beret, whose alter-ego is the Opera Ghost more profitable, but the Discworld word. Inherited powers directly from his name is a popular location for circumspect meetings him. A look of surprise, which caused him to be his apprentice is voiced by Morrissey! `` too many chocolates '' de Worde described him as someone with `` no discernible.... From those books meditation on religion, personal morality since he is Perks. Moment '' with Susan Sto Helit ( a.k.a ridiculously brave, often simply charging while the weapons just him... Is in part a reference to each other 's works own dragon, and the Light.. And a temple dancer also imply that Hrun eventually split up with Liessa present and! The sign outside his yard reads `` King of the numerous bit part characters in Terry Pratchett 's Discworld.! Widely adapted for stage and screen, and extremely fond of torture, much like his.... Involve hard work, which caused him to be very secretive while trying spy... Resembling a rodent, and claimed she needed no apology or recompense so long as he ruled when. `` Mort '', short for Mortimer, is the title character in Monstrous,... Protagonist of Moving Pictures keep him buried of the numerous bit part in...
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