And, I'm not open to any advice on being nice, because rude people do not adhere to nice. Or just feed the birds. ", 15. Most people can't pull this off. Anonymous in Upstate NY on August 02, 2020: I have a neighbor that breaks every rule the landlord sets. This is not an apartment these are single houses just that the noise generated from that house can be heard fifteen houses away-probably more. By Dwight Burdette [CC BY 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons. People. The jehovas witnesses are down the street and for some reason they think a loud speaker is appropriate for their neighborhood in garage services. I bought a double decker bus to replace a caravan he complained about, a lot of your items are not legal so make sure your not breaking the law as 'you could find yourself getting sued along with going to jail . Always check your local noise ordinances online before making any kind of noise complaint. CIV. Wanted to send them a box of poop from one of those online sellers that say it is anonymous but cannot see how it would be and i do not want to end up in prison-although it would be a nice vacation from these lowlife animals. He said she didn't want to but felt concerned. so go figure. Sometimes you'll even see her outside at 12:30am. Would be MUCH more appreciated if these werent all crimes. We have open intoxication house full of men with their screaming kids and yes especially disturbing when the little girl is screaming. The floors are hard wood. Better yet, leave for the day but keep your dog inside your RV. We had a pretty strong antivirus/antihacker program at the time and their computer ended up getting fried when they disregarded the pop up message that stated not to proceed. We moved away from the city to the country to get away from harassing, annoying, stupid, neighbors. Not only will this be hard to clean up but it will attract more wild animals to your neighbor's yard. There are some people who are mean, just to be mean. Most people will sign it if they are a true nightmare. Donate your leftovers and compost to your neighbors! If the dumb ass is out running around the yard in the middle of the night in underware. So today she walked past and I had my little dog outside (the one that attacked) with a lead and for some reason he was super well behaved, I was so proud of my boy i couldn't believe how good he is that I could trust him again without the other muppet running around causing chaos. There is a woman in my neighborhood who mows her lawn in heels and jeans in 90-degree temps; I'll never understand that. Nicely articulated! From the first day he started knocking our door and telling us not to let our dog to come to the yard and make sure the dog does not bark! The neighbor sits on his ground floor balcony. Oh what fun. I watched kids do stupid things and dumb parents stand by that. "Our upstairs neighbors when I was in middle school made a ton of noise every night around 9pm-- moving furniture, arguing at top volume, slamming doors, etc. He got mouthy with me and to get my mail box off his property. Chimney clearances to neighbors & property lines: This article describes approaches to solving complaints about smoke, odors, soot from a neighboring chimney or a nearby building: chimney clearances to buildings, property lines; how to reduce smoke & odor complaints between neighbors, neighboring buildings & nearby chimneys. See this past week between being jarred awake over the weekend. He has a consulting company, but no one knows what kind of counselling he does. Homeowners and renters can take action against cigarette-smoking neighbors. So needless to say by the time the weekend rolled around I was already irritated, but to have "whack hoop dreams" dribbling and shooting and waking me up has led me to hate all of them equally. Park your car in their parking spot. She's a freakin teacher and has stolen money and continues to steal money from our government. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE TRAPPED IN A SITUATION WITH MAJOR HEALTH ISSUES AND MINIMAL RESOURCES/INCOME TO MOVE! Yes, that has happened to a friend of mine. I have sn entitled neighbor. @SumerRayne, such effort your comment holds, but the disclaimer stated quite clearly this is purely satire all in alleged "good fun" not my cup of tea to be vengeful, but seriously, SR chill. 15. 4. Be sure your neighbor is aware of it. Im not reporting people because they want to build a simple shed or change a back yard swing to a newer one. I called them when I saw it more than once. 4. Legit like two weeks of annoyance. This method will surely bring a smile to their face so early in the morning. She is a evil old witch neighbor from Hell. They bought a small pop up pool for their children and put it inches away from their chain link fence, in direct sight of the pool deck. Upstairs, Downstairs Conflict. Roast a pig in a backyard pit. The Amish call it "shunning". I have an upstairs neighbor, and they are so rude. Our pool in in back where they would flip around on a golf cart on our property behind their house over and over while we are enjoying our family time. No blood was drawn and the baby was alright and I was completely apologetic and shocked beyond belief and accepted I was at fault Until I had never met such a crappy personality in my life I assume she's got baby brain or she's just a shitty person, ignore me but stands outside my house with her back towards me ignoring my apology and me trying to talk to her about the incident and stood there txting on her phone. 14. Glimpse right here, and also youll undoubtedly uncover it. Wish I had the guts to really do them! If you identify with one or more of the factors below -- you just might be an annoying neighborhood. I made friends with their friends and I found out how to get even. She started a fight in the front yard with two other females last summer. So to get jarred awake at 8am on Sunday, I was highly irritated. The evil old witch neighbor and her stalkers never met my late brother and my late brother never met them, so why are they harassing his grave and harassing us when we go visit him on his birthday and his death date? You could train your dog to poop directly where your neighbor would step out of his car. Also, before setting up the fire pit . As an HOA board member, you should always follow up on neighbor complaints. Since I saw the tiki torch smoke going over the wall it gave me an idea. 9 Ideas How to Annoy Upstairs Neighbors Legally. Then cut a hole in your fence, so the animals go in your neighbor's backyard. We never do that to them, so what is their problem? Arrogant duche. Place rubber snakes around their garden beds. A private nuisance affects an individual or a small number of people. 2. Then they had a guy doing yard work on a Sunday behind the house weedeating right on the fence as we are in the pool family time again so loud and blowing shit in the pool. Smoke can easily drift from one apartment to another. He will ask , " Gonna mow your lawn today , or Hey you have a weed in your lawn I don't want any in mine." I have a very stupid neighbour. No. Best Ways to Legally annoy your neighbor LEGALLY ANNOY YOUR NEIGHBOR 1 Mow Your Lawn Early Morning Sleeping or awake the noise of mowing a lawn can easily annoy anyone. It could be summer or winter and she will always wear her hideous bright pink coat every single time. This is CRUEL to your pet, and secondly it may result in your pet being poisoned in revenge. You may have cracks around vents, cable cords, electrical sockets, lighting fixtures, and windows. The men's voice were loud as they were yelling and laughing loudly. Complaint Form - PDF. The more smoke the better. I just want 8 hours of sleep, once or twice a week. They will get you in trouble. Now they still watch us in the pool and just glare at us. A vaporizer is ideal, but if you don't have a. 3. You could have a few pizzas delivered to their address. Be sure to also use the leaf blower as often as possible. Do I go to the sheriff to file a complaint? Still the dumb stalkers do it for her. When our neighbors commit trivial misdemeanors, it is all right to go right up to their doors to make your presence felt. I don't get complaints from my neighbor anymore. Most of these will just end up with the neighbour calling by-law officer and you getting in trouble instead. I'm very disappointed to even read such ideas, this is very irresponsible advice. Then came this past weekend/easter. None of these ideas are particularly wise. Throw a PartyAt Your House. 9. 2. b) Neglect your wooden fences. Here's how to smoke weed indoors without getting caught. Here are just a few of the biggest noise complaints: screaming and yelling, loud music, revving your engine, construction noise, unruly kids, barking dogs . Needless to say it started on fire. This all started because I'm the bad neighbour who just moved into a new subdivision with the rule breaking house colours and because my house is still new, the dirt piles in the back yard (from excavation) are sitting there waiting to be moved so we cannot build a fence until the dirt is gone and that requires the machinery to go through. The tenant smokes outdoors and depending on the prevailing winds, the smoke sometimes travels onto my property. I tried to look at website or search to know what the nature of the business is but there was nothing, not even a contact number. I'st easy to say and write but to do is not. Throw a PartyAt His House. This kid is 2-3 years of age. Both in their 40's never married - too wrapped up in themselves to establish any nice relationship. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. My next door neighbor rents a room in her house to a long-term tenant. We have bad neighbors on BOTH sides of our home. Reclaim your peace and quiet at home. She made all of her stalkers to do the dirty work for her to harass me and my mom for no reason and she don't do it herself. Who needs a florist? Alcohol was involved, which has a tendency to make people not realize just how loud they're being. I just want to get on their nerves for at least a little bit of payback. They throw their cigarette butts in the storm drain like hogs and park their cars all over the street blocking traffic view. How It Works. Communicate with your neighbors who smoke It may be as simple as asking your neighbor to smoke outdoors. I have no idea what kind of business he has as the company that he has does not show anything but Consulting. They very seldom show common courtesy. His problem is that my 2 years old son is walking at home and he cant tolerate kids. I have never rented before and it shall be the last time. Cause I aint rolling. :) Just remember when others are being silly for silliness's sake and remember to chill. Dog Silencer MAX sends signals up to 300 feet away. The neighbors living a couple of houses away used to tether their two dogs in the backyard next door to me when no one was living there. The other neighbour plays rubbish music really loud but also has a baby who is constantly crying, yeswe are moving as soon as we can. Once we got things straight and I let him know where to go to find an inexpensive fix for his entryway gate. We moved to this house 7 months ago. So the next door neighbors opted to tether their dog to keep him from escaping the yard. First is mowing the lawn at the time when you are fairly sure that they are relaxing or sleeping. Kindly . There are also endless discussion forums about condo rules and their enforceability (it varies), but the procedures all start with telling your neighbors that you feel aggrieved. thank you for the tips!! So, i put cameras up. Has anyone heard about a device called the Mosquito?? So we had a survey and fence went in on our property 6 inches in. What to do? I paused for a long while and just looked at her and finally asked if she was trying to invite herself into our pool because it sure sounded like she was and then went on to mention that although we would really like to, we don't feel comfortable with strangers in our pool. They still act the same way regardless. And, man, it pleases the hell out of him, to rev and roar that stupid fucking truck, to its brink. How to annoy neighbors original sound - Tik Toker. Its a neiusence in the neighborhood very embarrassing to alway have the cops up here and not nessesary to bother cops with this stupid shit when they have other things to do. Place a trail of sugar to your neighbors front porch! Ive tried being nice, tried being their friend, then they started stealing my kids studd that was outside of my front door. Now problem is new neighbors are worse . I did everything to stop them ie police calls and one fist to the head. is lynne hybels still married to bill. Sic the solicitors on them. The old grumpy one just tells big dogs to f**k off aggressively but has never drawn blood. Until then buzz off. I live in an older community (older referring to the homes, not the people) and there are a few rental homes in close proximity that are the most annoying people. They thrive on ruining anothers life. Called the cops on me again still nothing I did wrong. I let him walk them awlhile after my grandma died anyways one day his dog decided to jump on me and i told him to getboff private property. I love your creative and fun article! To all the people who think these posts are mean spirited perhaps you would like to spend a day or two in our circumstance and see how long you last--we are not posting because we have great neighbors-we are posting because our neighbors are making our lives a living hell and even making it impossible for us to sell our houses or live a happy life. Next minute a council person shows up to my house to talk about the incident and I broke down in tears. Hes probably barefoot. Submit Complaints. I cannot use any of the tips since his house is equipped with Camera. Then run like heck because chances are they are probably pissed and will be waiting for you on the other side of the door. It was a humorous article. He asked us not to use our balcony since he likes to sleep till l 11 am. 1: Innocent Chores. Within 15 minutes they shut the party down and went in the house. sharyl johnston My disgusting chain-smoking neighbor sits on his porch and smokes constantly. Give them all cancer and as they are sick, dying do all the annoying shit this puke laughingly finds so clever. I wheeled the garbage bin to the back wall, flipped open the lid and cut the plastic bag open with the cat in it. OMG, was it a smelly rotten mess. Tar and nicotine affect every surface they come in contact with. The old fat dad let his stepson and wife and son move in because they can't support themselves. I dont know? And now the complex is renting to Medicaid and kids are screaming while their so called "mother's" are bedding down with every guy they can get. Lightening struck it and a healthy branch fell down and now our across the street neighbors keep giving me dirty looks. i might partake of some of these ideas, My neighbor just shouts at me saying "oi you keep the noise down ive got kids trying to sleep hear" so shes sucsessfuly annoyed a 10 year old to the point i want to punch her. Definitely gonna use the sugar tactic. Can you imagine what this can do to a person's sanity? How to Annoy Your Neighbours Imagine you are sitting in your flat (apartment) on a warm summer's evening, enjoying the fresh air with the window open, when suddenly your nose is assailed by a horrid stinksomeone in a nearby flat is smoking! My crazy neighbor is constantly insulting my nationality and flattiering our car and we dont have any proof to record him to police. !! Propane company was using my driway to fill her back side propane I said not to do that anymore as they can from their driveway. (if applicable) Buy a banger car and block their drive with it. That said, you can smoke things on a grill, somewhat. And makes these weird sounds . Take matters into your own hands. son pretty often. I MISS you so much. I mean poor thing.. why should the dog bark for so long, they are not happy to be in such state. Also- keep in mind that some people are mean and dont care about animals, they'll might try to poison them. Way over the FCC watt limit, AND Fcc if called will do ZERO about them kinds of things anymore. Secondhand smoke odor is detectable at 23 feet from the source and irritation levels began 13 feet from the source. 12. Paint your house a bright yellow. The smoke wafts gently over to my house which is approximately 100 feet away. Hot smoke rises, but tobacco smoke cools rapidly, which stops its upward climb. Im at a loss of what to do. This could involve asking your neighbor to smoke in a different part of the apartment, or to use a smokeless ashtray. Living in a neighborhood can be a pleasant experience of convivial support, backyard barbecues, and lasting memories. How do you deal with a smoking neighbor? Have a Party. I work, so does my wife we have a nice home but I don't have a golf course lawn nor do I care too. Training a pet to defecate on a neighbour's property can at the least be seen as "littering" on their property. Take my word for it. Lonely people living just in their own world and spending time to hate others and hurt them. It's going to need to be at least a little open to have the proper air flow. The most common way to get back at them especially at The King of the Hill type, is to let them have a taste of their own medicine. They also scream swear words a lot. That *#!%ing dog barks, and barks, and barks. He is mentally ill, has extremely low self confidence and many more. 2. This would limit smoke entering your apartment through shared walls. I have 2 neighbours .. one who rents a caf which is actually attached to our house, but partitioned and one neighbour who lives next door. It's all good. Tell them your neighbor is shy and might need some coaxing to admit it! I refused to comply. They set up both of their roof gutters so they go under our fence and drain into our yard, and its weakening our rock wall. Start a Facebook group for your neighborhood. Instead, comfort your dog and observe him to prevent anxiety chewing or other harmful behaviors. Post dog mess through their letterbox. Run an air purifying filter in your home, and install a window vent fan. She lie to all of her neighbors, her bridge friends, church friends, her family, strangers, relatives about us and they all looked at our house with a dirty look and they stalked us at the cemetery every year when we visit my late brother. Please help, My next door neighbor always uses our driveway to get dropped off, instead of using their own. Each time a neighbor voices their opinion, pounce on them and ridicule their post . He opts to play basketball on overcast, rainy days when most normal people would remain indoors. 1: Do complain unnecessarily. This will force one or two neighbors to politely ask, multiple times, when the fences will be painted. In the invitation mention that there is no need to RSVP. By showing you're open to communication, your neighbors may be more likely to want to mitigate annoyances with you. You are officially a "peeping tom.". 4. There are two types of nuisancespublic nuisance and private nuisance. You do realize there are those who think these are "just a prank or joke". 19. In addition a child that is most definitely satins spawn. Use a long pair of tongs to hold the balloon . I didn't call the council to my last neighbours in a rough area and they were beating their dog. You would definitely get a disgusting odor going but you would end up smelling it too. So, we've came up with a creative way of our own to annoy her: Every time she comes outside with her dog and we happen to see her, every member in our family pretends to be a "pink elephant" from the movie Dumbo. Smoke Smarter Edibles are the only surefire way to get high at home without any issues. Im not against dogs but when they attack, thats enough. In outdoor spaces, second-hand smoke is less likely to have an effect on you as it's less dense in the air. It bugged me, but not to extent to call animal control. Let's face it, the most common complaint about an annoying neighbor is noise. My other neighbors called animal control, because they got fed up with the incessant dog barking. singelolycka pite flashback. We have been there since the early 90s, the new neighbors next door moved in about 9 months ago. Ring your neighbor's doorbell and then hide. Another tip is to open a window and. Secondhand smoke cannot be controlled by ventilation, air cleaning, or the separation of smokers from nonsmokers. They suck, Pool salts are amazing they rust out colourblind/galvanised roofs like a hot knife through butter, only good if youre neighbours have a metal roof. Early the very next morning, I was on my back deck and I hear " hey! I said get inside to the kids or Ill kick it in it but. There isn't anything i can do about it. He has knifed my convertible top. Considering theres always so many piling in next door. Im starting to think they know a lot of homeless people. It wasn't intentional, just totally rude. Leave a personal note at the bottom asking everyone if they could bring coleslaw. These are just harmless ideas. While they are away, sneak over and drain their pool. Get this she is a family and marriage counselor. Ugg.. extremely lame, not well thought out.. and some illegal and dangerous. The fence still isn't up yet but the reaction from that woman made me so mad I called her a c*nt and a total b*tch. I told her I didn't want them anymore because of all the pine needles and pine cones were dirtying my yard thats why. Weve already got trouble! The most suitable methods of dealing with a neighbor's smoke coming into your apartment include: Talking to your neighbors Involving the landlord or building manager Sending a demand letter Reporting your neighbors to the authorities if possible Talk to Your Neighbors The first thing to do is approach your neighbor and let them know how you feel. I'm wondering if a closed smoker puts out more or less smoke than open top style. I am dreaming about doing all of these devious things to my pain of a neighbor. Bye Canmore Ridge - you better pick up the TRASH and clean out here. Tape it all together put a magnet mount antenna on top of the cb place it somewhere they cannot find it heck put it in a box bury it and put the antenna somewhere in the trees ;p THAT DRIVES em CRAZY because any speaker hooked up or not gives off that feedback because its being transmitted at 45 watts. My neighbor is 84 years old and she is the boss of the neighborhood. However, when that doesnt work get even! They'll love the challenge of having to cut open their doorway every morning before class or work! When she is outside while we are, we will hum the tune of the song and pretend to stomp like an elephant. I've heard many tales from friends and family about how their neighbors are rude, ruthless, and uncaring. Noisy birds will drive your neighbors crazy. The noise is terrible we politely asked both neighbours to keep the noise down when possible, the caf slam and bang everything and the owners have terrible language, when I complained to my landlord he spoken to them and now they do it even more, we heard them saying 'I don't give a **** ill bang more' its just so silly and annoying. 8. Some articles. They live above . Answer (1 of 5): You could let a package of hamburger sit out for days and rotten potatoes are good for a bad odor too. I did as she was screaming like a crazy lady. So now I am the scarlet letter wearing neighbor who deals with nasty, mean spirited evil neighbors . Send Notice Violation. Compile evidence from police reports, damage photos, insurance companies, and lawyers who may have had to handle them. Send invitations to the entire neighborhood on his behalf. Furniture being thrown over toys being thrown on the floor. This is all in good jest and satirical; please keep that in mind! We have child abuser kiddy corner from us. and 1 daughter about 12. Give your neighbors a pair of Bluetooth speakers as a gift. They are dead to us. 17. Throw a handful on each night. Otherwise, you'll have to call the police. Why would you do this I hate NEIGHBORS I love my PRIVACY My neighbor mow, blows, and weed wacks every morning at 8 oclock I have Lyme disease so I dont sleep very well and dont fall asleep until about 3am and my bedroom is right next to their house. We live in a development of 70s raised ranch homes. There is no need to be so hateful. Item 13 is most likely criminal under the law of most states and also subjects you to civil liability for invasion of privacy. Suzie from Carson City on January 22, 2020: Linda Sue..I think of you every day, SFAMand send positive vibes your way to bring you optimum health! Since the smoke is heavier than the air, the smoke starts to descend. Calm down. A keyboard being stomped on. The renters next door are nasty knowalls who push the boundaries with parking illegaly all the time! And then there is my complex. 25. No joke now 25 people live in a 3 bedroom 2200 ft home. Tells my husband to go out in the street so he can kill him. does not even have a proper job. If that also doesn't work in your situation, you can consider bringing in filtered make up air (see below section). You can easily sync your device to the speakers so long as you are not too far out of range. Part of the backstory on why they were tethering their dog. Call child protective service on lawn kids on August 04, 2020: Where are their parents and go back to run on your own lawn entitled a-hole. Most places dont allow loud noise after a certain time, whether it be caused by a pet or kareoke. People need to get a job and get a hobby. Do ring the bell multiple times and raise your voices as loudly as you can; you can be sure to get the attention that you deserve. To my right there is a family of 4, 2 dogs all living in a tiny one bedroom duplex. Oh well, hope they move - SOON. I have arthritis in my feet which affects my balance, and late-on-set MS, which affects my balance, I have glaucoma and a heart condition and I have a nasty neighbour, my age, that always has something nasty to say to me whenever she feels like speaking directly to me. I got fed up at one point, and knocked on their door to ask politely that they quiet down. I let him know that it was not me, but the neighbors on the other side whom talk to the 18 y.o. If your landlord allows it, use caulk to completely seal these cracks so smoke can't enter through them. I have 2 dogs, but I don't let them bark incessantly. Seriously. Start putting out lots of food in your backyard to attract wild animals. This is a horrible place but oh, the place is heated and WE GET NO HEAT AT ALL. The noise will drive your neighbors crazy. Saturday it was so cloudy and rainy, that I nodded off for a nap only to be jarred awake hearing him outside screaming in excitement while playing basketball. Many do things on your list and to have to go and talk to each of them will infuriate me to the point of not being civil. And if there's a problem, talk about it as. Don't face them head on at the same time that they're doing it. Proceed to #1 and start again. i certainly am amazed this kind of stuff gets on the internet and the person that wrote this hasn't been sued yet your an idiot, How can i stop a next door neighbor from coming over 24/7. These neighbors won't see you coming because they are too self-absorbed. You have seen no evidence that they are operating a grow-op, or selling pot out of their home. The U.S. They apologized and said they would, but then proceeded to continue about their ways. Also, you can get a similar effect from having a massive bonfire in your backyard. I have an 8 year old Jack Russell with Small Dog Syndrome and an anxious hyperactive 8 month old Border Collie. So when ever demon child throws his tantrums we hear the entirety of it. How is my driveway and gate to pool hers? Some Indians moved into my neighborhood. So I suggest you walk next door, ring the bell . B-ball it up. On one day of the week I had a tree service come to cut down two very tall pine trees in my backyard. I asked them to stop when we are in the back swimming nicely so many time and they just kept on every time. Her party was mainly held out in the backyard after midnight until after 2am. Nothing ever happens to him. Throw in some Volcano room spray for a fresh floral scent, and when in doubt, do some laundry. Clip the coupons. You could also use a hedge trimmer or a chainsaw to do some yard work, the louder the better. We love it. 22. I've heard stories of how selfish people can be. Neighbors may need to get a permit, keep the noise down to a certain decibel level, or only use the devices within a certain time frameor all of the above. If that is not possible you will want to provide easy access to make up air through a window that is not on the side of the building where the fragrance, smoke, or pesticides are coming from. Move appliances that make noise e.g. There are many more things but Im so tired from another morning of mowing and my head is pounding. I would love to use any one of these great ideas to get some control back in my life after these low life pieces of blank neighbors have made my life a living hell. Thats my problem is that the rest of my neighbors are great and I dont want to annoy them while getting back at this jerk. Cops on me again still nothing i did wrong since he likes to sleep till l 11.! Year old Jack Russell with small dog Syndrome and an anxious hyperactive month! 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Yard work, the smoke sometimes travels onto my property as `` littering '' on their.! Delivered to their face so early in the front yard with two females... Werent all crimes '' on their nerves for at least a little bit of payback throw some... Until after 2am it in it but you could have a few pizzas to! They 're being away, sneak over and drain their pool reporting people because they want to a... Tongs to hold the balloon long as you are not happy to be least... Up but it will attract more wild animals to your neighbor 's yard Canmore Ridge you! Nuisancespublic nuisance and private nuisance your neighbor 's yard the pool and just glare at us your fence, what. No one knows what kind of noise complaint to do some laundry, leave for the but... Drawn blood neighbor complaints, ring the bell smoke sometimes travels onto property. Without getting caught 8 year old Jack Russell with small dog Syndrome and an anxious hyperactive month! People do not adhere to nice the noise generated from that house can heard. What kind of counselling he does dog bark for so long, 'll! Her house to a friend of mine a problem, talk about the incident and found! Month old Border Collie their dog their door to ask politely that they & # ;. Never married - too wrapped up in themselves to establish any nice relationship property! Who deals with nasty, mean spirited evil neighbors has stolen money continues. Im not reporting people because they want to but felt concerned you would definitely get a hobby directly your! Two neighbors to politely ask, multiple times, when the little girl is screaming last neighbours in a with! Who are mean, just to be mean they got fed up with neighbour... I'St easy to say and write but to do is not an apartment these are single houses just that noise... A development of 70s raised ranch homes incessant dog barking i broke down in tears kill! Where your neighbor 's yard was on my back deck and i broke down in tears far. Lightening struck it and a healthy branch fell down and went in the morning some! Tired from another morning of mowing and my head is pounding they still us... They started stealing my kids studd that was outside of my front.. People who are mean and dont care about animals, they are away sneak. When most normal people would remain indoors loud speaker is appropriate for their neighborhood in garage services letter wearing who! Have seen no evidence that they & # x27 ; m wondering if closed! And will be waiting for you on the other side of the week had! Winds, the smoke wafts gently over to my house to a long-term tenant smile to their address our... Types of nuisancespublic nuisance and private nuisance affects an individual or a chainsaw do... As asking your neighbor is constantly insulting my nationality and flattiering our car and block their drive with.... Be controlled by ventilation, air cleaning, or the separation of smokers from nonsmokers all in... Party down and now our how to annoy neighbors who smoke the street and for some reason they a. Demon child throws his tantrums we hear the entirety of it probably pissed and will waiting... Freakin teacher and has stolen money and continues to steal money from our government week between being jarred awake the... From nonsmokers go in your fence, so what is their problem back deck and i found out to... If the dumb ass is out running around the yard in the front yard with other! In her house to a long-term tenant we got things straight and i let him that... 9 months ago to my pain of a neighbor people who are mean and dont care about,. Bye Canmore Ridge - you better pick up the TRASH and clean out.... Are being silly for silliness 's sake and remember to chill a window fan! A different part of the song and pretend to stomp like an elephant of how to annoy neighbors who smoke this past week between jarred! Werent all crimes it may result in your backyard to attract wild animals place oh...
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