Posted 11:23:50 PM. I was asked about campus organizing during college. When you and a colleague didnt see eye-to-eye - what did you do? Dean Cornblatt asked what wouldve happened if he wrote an apologetic email that admitted fault but that still didnt go into the story. What did you do to address it? Why did you decide to go to UMass from California? Your co-worker, who is integral to the team, is not having a good day or getting work done. One word to describe the ideal candidate. Absolutely Crushed : ( I got the email tonight at 5 PM and as soon as I saw "Admissions Decision Received" in my inbox instead of "Congratulations on Your Admission", I just knew. (Supposed to be 20 minutes, but was more like 28 minutes in reality. Third scenario was about an applicant with gleaming GPA/LSAT, letters of rec commending his strong writing skills, and then a personal statement with multiple typos and a mention of the wrong school. Tell me about your job at [an organization where you worked]. The Dean then weighed in, and he believed that this should be rated as a 7. They may be divided into multiple tiers, but even those broad selections are continuously reassessed. Two of the questions are always the same: Why Northwestern? and Is there anything else youd like the admissions committee to know about you? (or something very similar). Georgetown University Law Center is a private division of Georgetown University, a Roman Catholic institution with the second-largest student population of all law schools in the US. Describe specific example of problem solving strategy used, If we asked people you hypothetically mentored what your best qualities are what would they say, What other law schools did you apply to? He explained that his process is to read through apps once (I'm assuming the committee distills out some of the worst ones, but he said nothing about that), interview those he is interested in, and then read the apps again before making a final decision. We had four options to choose fromno impact, minor impact, major impact, or game over (deny). Did you research the city? Obstacle you've faced and you overcame it. Tell me about your current role and what you do and do not like about it. The interviewer was super friendly. (or something like that). Describe a significant academic project you completed during your undergraduate education and why you chose that project. After a week or two in orientation, meeting professors and your peers and faculty, how do you believe they would describe you? First scenario was about a student who had been suspended for a year on account of plagiarism. What challenges do the communities you work with experience? How did you go about doing it? Tell me about a time when you were criticized unfairly. (written). He did, however, note that it would be different if the student had immediately apologized and sent a follow-up email with a correction. What charitable organization would you donate to and why? The Dean then presented a character and fitness issue to us about an applicant who plagiarized during a French course. For Fall 2020 admission, we received almost 10,000 applications. Do you have any concerns with Law school? Four scenarios: plagiarism, Oxford withdrawal before honor hearing, personal statement with mistakes/mention of wrong school. Tell us about a time when you failed. How would you respond? Questions about challenges based on current job, Interest in the Doctoroff program and how the certificate would help me with my goals. What would you have done differently if you were that person? What is an obstacle you faced and how you overcame it? People going to a law school Northwestern are top performers. What is a trait that you need to improve / change in order to be able to change the world? If you were a fly on the wall, what do you think the admissions committee might think the strengths and weaknesses of your application might be? Are you set on moving back to the northeast post graduation? Some will require a video response; some will require a written response. What's possible from those invited to interview are applicants the Admissions Committee wishes to know more about before making a decision. What is more important: the result or the process? The interview was conversational and lasted about 30 minutes. What to do if an integral team member is having a bad day? Then, we were asked to go around and say our name, hometown, and a fun fact about ourselves. I was not going to prepare for this question nor did I even come across my mine before a buddy of mine who used to work for the Center for Career Development at our University told me to prepare for it and I am so happy I did. He alerts the school that he is withdrawing from Oxford, and upon further questioning, he reveals that he was accused of not using citations for his dissertation. how does your master's work inform your decision to study law? Tell me about a time you were part of a team with low morale/motivation. He also pointed out that when you care, you will reread your application fifty times before your friend tells you, Oh my god, just press the damn button already. So the fact that this had so many mistakes was actually pretty telling. Why are you switching careers? This might be because it was with the director of admissions or maybe because my friends did their interviews a few years ago Duke uses a service called InitialView to interview prospective international students. Several listeners write in with some questions about being waitlisted. Tell me about a social issue or current event that youre following. The scenarios were the same: a plagiarism and 1-year suspension, withdrawal from Oxford before a hearing, and a sloppy PS. What is one thing you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you? A time you got frustrating news - howd you deal with it? Oh well. Located in the heart of Washington DC, Georgetown . [Asked about current job/rsum-related question], [Discussed Chicago/NW experiences the interviewer had as an alum], [Also time given for questions from the student], Talk about a time when you pursued a goal but then had to pivot to something else, Talk about a stressful situation and how you handled it. For the video-response questions, youll get about thirty seconds of prep time and about a minute to respond. The early deposits were spurred by a clause in Notre Dame's acceptances that closed their deposits on the earlier of (i) all seats taken or (ii . The student was an ED applicant. You can bring a rsum and a question about Georgetown just in case, but you wont have much (or any) one-on-one time with the dean. Doing your research before the interview to interject school specific answers in super important. Beyond your main focus, what are some other areas of law you're interested in? Why were you rejected, and what did you do afterwards? What is a mentality you have as a result of the military? In the second and third scenarios, he called on people one by one to go. The result or the process? (Why Law?). Why did someone from XX end up in XX and seek to go to law school? What are three traits that will serve you well in law school? Pick two things off of your resume to talk about. It was very friendly and felt as much about them saying why they're good for me as it was about me saying why I'm good for them. since you already have an education background in law and are qualified to practice law in China? What kind of student would you be at Harvard? At first, he told us to lose our grim faces. Then, he asked us to go around and say where were from, where were at, and a fun fact about ourselves. I'm KJD and I'm betting that's why there are a bunch of UG-related questions. What do you hope to do or accomplish with your JD? Then he went on to give us application scenarios where we had to act an admissions committee. Name a time you failed and how you handled it (something like this), What is something you hope to improve on in the next 5 years, What is a skill you have that will be helpful in law school (something along these lines), What do you want admissions to know about you, Experience working with teammate with different style as you, When you failed an important goal, what did you learn. Why Law? If you had a chance to collaborate with anyone alive or dead, who would it be with? How would you advise the president on this topic? Finally, he gave us a hypothetical scenario that was about Amy, a student with higher grades/LSAT but no why Georgetown essay versus Barbara, with slightly lower stats but a compelling Why Georgetown. Student A (Distinguished Scholars Interview), Student B (Distinguished Scholars Interview). You must be prepared to talk about the following: You should probably be prepared to talk about these: A Word about Preparing and Being Unprepared. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. She asked me to tell her a little bit about myself and why I want to study law. Whats one thing the admissions committee should know about you? Talk about a time you engaged a disinterested teammate. How long does it take to receive a decision? In fact, when my interviewer walked in (after a brief banter about the ties we were wearing) he explicitly said "This interview is very informal, so don't be stressed." 2. Talk about your current job - what do you like and dislike the most? How has your personal, educational, or professional background contributed to your interest in studying law? What did you think about her time off? Have you made a sacrifice for someone else at the cost of your own well-being? What is something you want the admissions committee to know about you? How long did you live in New York and what do you think is the difference between the city that you live in and the city of New York? What do you think will be your biggest challenge in law school? An alumni interview offers the Office of Admissions an opportunity to learn more about candidates beyond the written application. It was a group of 7 applicants, with Dean Cornblatt himself conducting the "interview." Towards the end, Interviewer asked me if I would be 100% committed to coming to Columbia if accepted. Describe a time where a failure led to a success. Which student organization would you be interested in? What do you do? Where do I see my role in the social justice movement? (And for those who dont have work experience, be prepared to sell why you should still be let in.). Tell me about your journey from choosing your undergrad degree to your decision to apply to law school. Once he hears from all our groups, he states his own opinion before we move onto the next scenario. What were your first steps? Name a time you had to solve a complex problem on your own. When determining a strategy as a waitlisted applicant, it's important first to keep in mind why you were waitlisted: the law school is hedging its bets in two ways. What role should the government play in unrestrained capitalism? What is a time when a failure led to future success? Where do you see your career going after law school? We had maybe 12 people in the room and split into 3 groups of 4. What is something that you have learned from playing trumpet? Tell me about a time youve received feedback you didnt agree with. Why law?]. I submitted my application on 4 February 2025 and the application was marked complete on 8 February 2022 and had an interview with them in March 2022. Got the email today from Georgetown saying that I'm on the preferred waitlist. When did you know you wanted to practice law? (went to UMich for undergrad). Start by making the case for one side, that is, and then say something like, Nevertheless and make the case for the other side. For Fall 2020, we received nearly 10,000 applications. It wasnt even that much about the plagiarism itself as the way she framed the situation. What was your most rewarding experience outside the classroom? Even though it's a big law school, we work very hard to make it a big law school with a small law school feel. How might you address it? How will you react if you are not in the top 10% of your class? And that was it, he told us we would know sometime between December 20th and January 15th, however, it could always take longer. Tell me one time a failure led to future success, What book or film made you change your opinion on a particular social issue. What is something you want the admissions committee to know? Which candidate should we take? Preferred Waitlist at Georgetown? If you were an admissions officer, what two qualities would you look for in a potential candidate? Describe a situation in which other would say you exhibited a level of maturity beyond your years. What characteristics do you hope to develop and grow over the next five years? The group was split 50/50. In between everything he spoke about their review philosophy, and applications in general (14k+ applications this year!). If youre not sure how to answer a written question, consider both sides with a classic On the one hand, on the other hand structure. How would you approach that conflict? How did you like your undergraduate experience? But I want to be realistic. (They fell into a ditch while looking at their phone or something). What do you want admissions to know about you? why law?but the written questions may be hypotheticals about current affairs. What is a misconception you think that civilians have of military people? Note: During the first two scenarios, he randomly called on people, and he asked them specific questions. From friends, I had heard that the tone of their interviews at UVA was pretty conversational, whereas I felt like it was pretty formal (though very friendly) in my experience. He said we should expect an answer in 2-4 weeks, and provided his email for any questions. I hadnt thought about that before. Situation from 5 years ago, what would you change? The committee will ask you What's one thing you want admissions to know about you? The status has never changed until now. I dont know if that means the application pool increased or if he wanted to meet more people. Why did you decide to go to [grad school]? What do you think you want to do after law school? What is an achievement you're particularly proud of, personally, professionally, or academically? What Harvard programs are you interested in? What is something that you think differently about or has changed about you personally as you have matured? Its okay to give yourself time to think by saying something like, Wow! I answered Why law? and Why Columbia? before Interviewer asked me by tying it in to other questions. Where do you want to practice? Just be yourself, be honest and you'll do great. Talk about a time you had to deliver difficult news and how went about doing it. Are you someone who solves easy solutions using complicated problems or solves easy problems using complicated solutions? Roughly half the schools in the T20 do interviews. He said it was about 70% numbers for the first review of an application, then moves to about 50%, resulting in an overall 65/35 split between stats and everything else. Youre just having a conversation. Don't be shy!! What do you dislike? The plagiarism in question was for a first draft of another writing piece she was submitting for an award (I think? You can get a free account here. Do I like my undergraduate university and culture? Can you tell me about a success youve had? How do you see yourself contributing to the community and what student organizations were you involved with in undergrad? It's especially devastating since Georgetown has done this to me before. What prompted that interest? The first was an Ivy-graduated applicant who plagiarized freshman year. You must be logged in to post a comment. One thing you would like admissions to know about you, What is motivating you to pursue law? Should the creators of Pokemon Go be liable? what would you bring to Cornell? Genuine questions are usually more broad: whats student housing like? Im a fan of questions like this because Im a fan of authenticity in general. Something to the effect of, How has your time in the legal field shaped your perspective on law? Talk about the experiences you had after college. (This required a 300-word written essay). Next, we talked about why I wanted to go to Law School and why WashU in general. After the discussion, he offers closing remarks and brings up why he does these interviews, which I think might be helpful information to know, since I was certainly curious about this - after all, hes not really looking for a right/wrong answer, and this interview doesnt ask any traditional questions. The Admissions Officer that interviewed me was super friendly and the interview overall was pretty informal. Which headline would you like to see in the news? When working in a team do you prefer to speak up or listen to others? What did you do? Student C (an hour long, group of 6, with dean of admissions): Everything currently on 7sage is spot on, pretending to be admissions committee with the same scenarios, I think for question 6, one shouldnt say intelligent or smart.. If you were a fly on the wall, what are some things that you imagine the committee would say about your application? Which particular clinics are you interested in? What is the biggest challenge that youve faced so far? He also said last year he interviewed about 2600 students, and this year 3000. Give an example of an experience of turning hostility toward friendship. But that because she didn't, it showed a level of carelessness - and a lack of interest in Georgetown; so why would he waste a seat on her? One tip for this one is don't afraid to be bold--Dean Andy asks you to rank a couple of situations from 1-10 in terms of ability to look past/forgive the error and admit the applicant. You should always treat it like the latter. Introduction: Dean passed out name plates to put in front of us. (Her current undergrad school). Dean Blazer mentioned my DS, and asked me if I had ever been to Cuba. What do you think about how she framed the story? Georgetown Law Interview. I find it super helpful to review Vanderbilts alumni interview questions before this one. How did you respond? She also asked if I had even been to St.Louis which I responded that yes I have and that Ive actually self-toured the school to which she was surprised/happy about. If you could eradicate one social problem what would it be? Then he split us up into groups. (Follow-up) But why law instead of doing an MPP or MBA? (career goals question), Something you want to convey back to the admissions committee? Does Georgetown Law have rolling admissions? He finished by asking us one of his intended optional application prompts for this year that they didnt get to add in: "What was something youve done that was hard but so worth it?. What interests you about the city of Chicago? You talked about [this topic] in your personal statement - can you talk more about what you learned from that experience? Note that these questions are out of date because Cornell asks interviewees not to share the interview questions. Have you been to St. Louis? What are three values you would instill in your business? What would my ideal technology law job be? Other than the standard Why Northwestern and Why Law questions, there was much less interviewing and much more conversing. General thoughts: The Dean appreciated decisiveness; he did not like it when interviewees were in between little impact and big impact. He cares a lot about integrity, so I would be sure to highlight that in your answers. What would you want to do with you law degree? [She asked about philosophy on the interests section of my rsum.]. If you could eradicate one social problem, what would it be? I take full responsibility and please note that I have never done such a thing since that time, it might have been a totally different story. In her addendum, she said she was sorry for the mistake but also claimed it had merely been an issues with properly attributing citations; and while she took responsibility it didn't seem like she fully acknowledged the severity of the 'mistake'. If something really stumps you, its okay to say, Sorry, Im a little nervous, so long as you pick up the thread. in that country! What is one of your greatest accomplishments at [undergraduate university]? A time you fell down and got yourself up. I definitely would have struggled with that question by it catching me off guard and not having some sort of formulation of the answer beforehand. What was your favorite class or professor? These are small classes and the campus is beautiful. What influenced your decision to go to law school? I said it was major but would still accept her as she took great strides to redeem herself. Speech is supposed to be messy. They just want to see that you can perform in an interview environment without freaking out. I think it moved up from fourth in that regard. Hypothetically, what do you think youll be doing after law school? ), Second Scenario: An Oxford masters student, who had already been accepted to Georgetown Law, told Georgetown that he withdrew from his masters program. What is your communication/teamwork style like? Preferred Wait List for Georgetown. Discuss a challenge and how you overcame it. What is the one accomplishment youre most proud of?What contemporary news issue are you following? What questions do you have for me?The resume-specific ones were just asking vaguely about what my tech positions were like. Would you be comfortable moving there? How did you motivate them? Hypothetical: if at your time at [legal internship], you were to show up one day and find that your coworkers were your clones, what strengthens and challenges would you run into? Majority of my interview was about high vs low tuition and scholarships being harmful to the larger student body. We did not get through all of the scenarios. Why? ), so he's definitely talking to a whole lot more applicants than will ultimately be admitted (he said he is probably going to meet this way with about 3000 students, and the entering class is 560). By Mehran Ebadolahi. admissions consulting and editing services, your interest in their law school in particular, an academic or professional accomplishment. What do you want the school to know about you? Smile even if youre on the phone. I think this question was more geared to seeing how I handle multiple responsibilities at once. Also any specific tips or anything lol, all info is . legal experience? She started off by asking me about a few specific things on my resume such as my recent job change and what I do for work now. What did you do to resolve it? Her addendum did not do enough to explain this disconnect, and over all he felt that she spent more time trying to make the issue sound small than apologizing and taking responsibility- he said it showed a lack of growth. What have you liked most about your experience at your current job? Tell me about a time you had to ask for help. The Law School Admissions Test, or LSAT, is a standardized test administered by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) for prospective law school candidates. Which UMN campus organization would you join and why. Why did you enter a field other than law out of college? Tell me an experience when you stepped outside your comfort zone. How did you end up accomplishing the work? We were asked for one word that describes an ideal quality in an applicant. Student D We discussed my current job and my recent move. What would you do if have a gap year before law school? Why did you pick your undergraduate institution? (I answered these questions within the first 10 minutes). Overall, it was informal, conversational, and everyone was really friendly. Whats a potential downside of your application? Some schools, like Georgetown, also offer Zoom sessions where their admissions folks talk about what's happening with the waitlist. What skills from your professional life would serve you best in law school? You've been to grad school before; what do you think will be challenging about Harvard? He also said that there was no right answer. What is a time you changed your behavior to make someone else more comfortable? When has a failure turned into a success? Most of us went with minor, two of us went with major, and Dean Cornblatt went with major, too. I think its also good to demonstrate that you are seriously considering the prospect of moving to their school and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on your tuition. It wasn't about getting the answers "right." Name a time that you were not happy with your performance. Third Scenario: A student had stellar GPA and LSAT stats as well as letters of recommendation praising her writing skills. Tell me about why you were motivated to pursue your job. I think my answer hit the nail on the head because I talked about specific clinics that WashU offers that I would be interested in and the interviewer responded very positively to it. (written) if you had a response prepared that we havent asked, please answer that question. Damn this cycle is hard Tell me about a time someone didnt understand how you were feeling. What do you want to do career wise with a law degree/5-year plan? Are you someone who solves complicated problems using easy solutions or do you solve easy problems using complicated solutions? I said Yes to this one. So, we started with the first scenario, talked amongst our group for a while (only 3 or 4 minutes), and then we would bring it all together. The dean wrote a note for her saying that shes been a model student since. I just finished my Skype interview with Dean Hoye. What is a characteristic or personality trait that will serve you well in law school? What are you looking for in a law school? I think more than anything this was about seeing whether he liked the applicants as people. How did you end up choosing your major/minor combination? Why did you choose to go your undergrad institution? We answered between 6-8. Later he told us that he was doing 450 of these group interviews, and that we should expect to hear from him about our decisions between 12/15-1/5, probably towards the beginning. What would you do to be a part of the Charlottesville community? What do you like to do in your free time? At the end of the interview, theyll probably ask if you have any questions for them. Intro was: where were at, where were from, what were doing now, and a fun fact about ourselves. Questions 1) are there multiple waitlists or is preferred waitlist just a diplomatic way to call a waitlist? Why did you switch from [one field] to [another field]? What would you do if you cant make it to the top 10% of your class? Interviewer told me a lot about the school and herself. He took a more Socratic approach. *. What follows are accounts of Dukes financial aid interviews, offered to applicants who have already been accepted. How much time do you spend on social media? (Except tuition). Who should you admit if you have to choose one over the other? What did you do to resolve those? Note: UT asks candidates to pledge not to share interview questions. I was also asked about what I specifically did under some of my positions in clubs. What are you looking for in a law school experience? I did not feel stressed or thrown off at any point, and generally the vibe was very warm and discussion-friendly, rather than a grilling session. Whats a time you applied for a job and didnt get it? Her addendum made it seem like it was a very casual and light incident, but she was suspended for a semester. Dean said there was fog everywhere with this case, so he ultimately rescinded the guys application. Some pretext about the environment and sustainability, and so how do you practice sustainability in your daily life? What would you be doing if it wasn't law? Is there anything youd like to add that isnt already in your PS? What Minnesota Law club/org would you join or start? Does anyone know how these group interviews will go/has Georgetown done this before? There are banks of questions on 7Sage, but it seems like the questions can vary based on the applicant. If you had to defer for a year, and resume building was not an issue, what is something you would like to do during this time? or maybe it was just an assignment Im not sure, but it was definitely a first draft). You can choose from Skype, Google Hangouts, or in-person. Hes not going to assume Amy is disinterested because that could be totally off the mark. Georgetown waitlist Class of 2025. What are you doing this summer and what skills are you hoping to gain? Dean Cornblatt started with asking us where were at, where were from, what were doing, and a fun fact about us. He then divided us into groups of three, and he told to read through the first scenario. A student who had already been admitted writes to admissions informing them that he is dropping out of his Oxford masters program early (without obtaining the degree) without providing additional info. What was the most disappointing setback in your life? Your co-worker, whose work is integral to the team, is having a bad day, how will you help them to feel better. That still didnt go into the story during a French course a law school fan of questions 7Sage... My positions in clubs for a first draft of another writing piece she was suspended for a year on of! We were asked for one word that describes an ideal quality in an interview environment without out. Time someone didnt understand how you overcame it your undergraduate education and why I to. 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